And this is why we should leave the EU!

Again what power do you think he has over me?

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Jeff Gaines
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Am 07/02/2024 um 09:39 schrieb Jeff Gaines:

Even a stray cat would have powers over you.

Reply to
Ottavio Caruso

That's not very nice, is it, children.

Of course you both have a religion, and its prophet and martyr is Karl Marx, who taught you that it's not good to play nice and forgive but that its good to hate each other and carry out acts of violence especially against anybody who is older and wiser than you are.


Just Another Jewish Snake Oil Salesman.

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

Yes, but the current government pays no attention to it, nor apparently does the Supreme Court which exists primarily to uphold it.

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On paper, perhaps, but nobody has to do what he tells them apart from his employees, and then only to the limits of their contracts.

That's a bit different from Iran.

His 'power' is limited to ratifying Parliament's laws. and nobody knows quite what would happen if he ever refused.

Perhaps it is the electorate which should have the task of ratifying Parliament's laws....

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Another laureate from the Royal University of Croydon.

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Ottavio Caruso


The reality is that he isnt any more than it is of the UK.

He gets no say what so ever on anglican policy.

In reality it isnt.

Even sillier than you usually manage and that's saying something.

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Rod Speed

They saved your bacon.

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Rod Speed

He'd get the bums runs as they all realise.

Not feasible. They do get to give them the bums rush at the next general election if enough of them don't like them tho.

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Rod Speed

One very good reason was to avoid being forced to join the Euro and bail out the bankrupt PIGS countries: Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. You know, the ones who's basket-cast economies should never have allowed them to join the single currency in the first place.

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Dan Green

The problem with the UK, or what is left of it, leaving the EU was that it left the English with nowhere to join with except the US, which is now ruled by a senile mad man, who is attacking every country in the world which will not take US orders.

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The problem with countries joining any kind of club is that sooner or later, the club staff start seeing themselves as the ruling class of an empire, with the member sovereign states reduced to colonies. The UN currently sees itself, along with its colleagues of the WHO and the WEF, as being in the process of becoming the world government.

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And therein lies a very very important question. What is the 'right size' for a geographical area with common laws?

Do you, for example,think that putting all your dogshit in a plastic bag makes sense in Lapland?

Or that Scandinavian levels of house insulation need to be applied in the Congo?

In a boat. all the watertight doors are left open...until the hull is breached. Then you need to be able to close them quickly.

Its the same with borders. As we saw with Covid.

The problem with one world government is that it will be a massively inappropriate bludgeon to implement anything useful at all.

And horrendously slow to act in a time of crisis. It is in short a political theorists wet dream and a system engineers total nightmare.

We need devolved governments. And those are perfectly able to unite and co-operate in times of need without the imposition of central authority.

Common standards exist because it makes sense to have them, not because they are EU diktats.

Immigration rules from other nations exist because they make sense, not because they are imposed by a central diktat.

Trade deals between nations exist because they benefit both parties, not because they are imposed by a central diktat.

NATO exists because it benefits all parties, not because it is imposed by a central diktat.

The EU is a relic on 19th century imperialist, colonialist and communist ways of thinking about governance.

Britain voluntarily dissolved its Empire because it had outgrown its usefulness.

Few other nations, if any, have been smart enough to do that. Putin and the EU still dream of monolithic dictatorships.

Reply to
The Natural Philosopher

Am 07/02/2024 um 22:54 schrieb Dan Green:

Soon the UK will have to be bailed out.

Reply to
Ottavio Caruso

Am 07/02/2024 um 18:47 schrieb Rod Speed:

As head of state?

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Ottavio Caruso

Am 07/02/2024 um 18:48 schrieb Rod Speed:

No, it was the Soviets. The Anglos were struggling in Northern Italy. Even some random partisans were better equipped than the Anglos. The Anglos are notoriously good only at carpet bombing, raping and killing civilians and reintroducing the caste system in India and introducing opium to China.

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Ottavio Caruso

And what's the problem with that? England will be better run by senile Yanks than senile Farage. Scotland and Ireland will go their own way. Win win!

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Ottavio Caruso

Yep, we get blamed for everything:

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Have you thought of seeing that chip on your shoulder seen to? I'm sure there's a medical procedure that would help, frontal lobotomy?

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Why limit it to the front....

Reply to
Jeff Gaines

At least Farage is not advocating atacking random countries like loony Joe is. We are almost back to Vietnam.

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