Spread the wealth???

Having a sarcasm-impaired day, are you?

You just can't help yourself, can you?

Apparently, you consider it a personal attack when someone points out the truth about you.

If you don't wish to be considered vulgar, ill-mannered, and incapable of debate without resorting to personal abuse, then you shouldn't call people things like "asshole" and "lying piece of decrepit shit" when they disagree with you.

Speaking of being devoid of a sense of humor... Lighten up, huh?

You need more fiber in your diet. Try oatmeal.

Thanks. Same to you.

Reply to
Doug Miller
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Not at all. I can't speak for Tim, but *my* views were not rejected on Tuesday: there was no candidate on the ballot who represented them.

Reply to
Doug Miller

My you'd have better luck if you moved to North Korea?

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You are not evil for taking what you are forced to pay for. You exhibit evil for defending that system based on theft. Big difference. I do not believe should not avail yourself of what comes out of your and your fellow citizens' wallets. But to constantly defend a system built on stealing is immoral. Even small children are taught that stealing is wrong.

Unlike you, I have no particular opinion about you personally as a debating partner, other than the fact that you've demonstrated a deep willingness for cheap personal assault whenever you are cornered logically. You may well be the salt of the earth as a human being otherwise, I dunno. But you embrace truly awful and very dangerous ideas in the face of the evidence presented the last 100 years or so about what the inevitable end game of central government control of wealth does. At the very least, this calls both your judgment and morality into question.

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Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

Scott -

You may call me many things - Upscale has covered the Junior High vocabulary in that regard. But please do not call me right-wing. I am no such thing. I am very far away from the right on a good many issues. Both the right- and left as expressed in Western politics are deeply flawed and are designed to preserve power for the few over the many. I adhere to the founding ideas of this nation first expressed by Locke and later Jefferson, Adams (both of them), Madison, Franklin, Paine, et al. They - the whole lot of them - would be disgusted with both the left and right as they exist today. Upscale's juvenile cursing is irrelvant. Calling me right wing is just plain mean.

Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

NOW I know where I've seen you before. You're the dude with the Elvis hairpiece and platform shoes that runs N. Korea, right?

Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

I don't really care if someone considers me vulgar or ill-mannered Doug. In the midst of a perfectly cordial discussion about public health care, Tim initiated the name calling by labelling me as evil and a thief for using it. I took Tim's comments (and still do) as an assault on my integrity. As a proud Canadian, I also took his comments as derogatory insults against my country. You and many others seem to think that the USA is the only country with patriots, which is a very self-centred point of view. Anyway, I responded in kind and as I saw fit. Whether the names used are vulgar and insulting or run of the mill insults, it adds up to the same thing as far as I'm concerned.

If Tim (or you) can't deal with the name calling, whatever it's form, then he shouldn't be tossing out insults in the first place without expecting a response. Especially so, since he doesn't know me personally and has never previously had any dealings with me.

Tim is exactly what I've said he is. It seems I'm not the only one who thinks so.

There, are you happy now? I haven't used one vulgar word.

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You're not a thief for taking what you already paid for. You're dishonest for supporting the thievery as a virtue and promoting it prospectively for the future. Stealing is evil. Defending it is similarly evil. This is not name calling, it is definitional ... unless you decide to explain how stealing is suddenly not a moral foul.

I know you promote theft as a virtue.

You must be exhausted.

Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

Not true; he has explicitly stated that his complaint is not with your *using* that system, but with your *advocating* it.

Reply to
Doug Miller

He does now, but earlier message distinctly label me evil and a thief. In fact he said it a number of times. Anyway, I *DO* advocate the system, so according to Tim and his screwed up selfish ways, I am evil and a thief.

And what does it have to do with you? Are you suddenly Tims ardent supporter? It seems you do have your nose up his butt. This too, is not a great surprise.

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What you say stands alone. Doesn't matter who agrees with you or doesn't agree with you, or Tim. Everyone that reads this stuff is smart enough to read, so should be smart enough to figure out which one of you is an empty bag of air, and who speaks with substance and reason.

If everyone except you agreed with Tim 100%, it would not change the veracity of (or lack thereof) your statements one iota!

Reply to
Jack Stein

Doesn't much matter at this point anyway since the "discussion" is winding down. I've filtered Tim's name so he can attempt to troll a reply from me all he wants, I won't see it.

Of course, he may have enlisted Doug to assist him, but I believe Doug is considerably smarter than that.

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Uhh, no.

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Guess I'll find out. In any event, Doug has contributed considerable woodworking knowledge to this group, whereas Tim has contribute zip or very close to it.

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I think I already said that he has not asked.

Reply to
Doug Miller

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