
Better check the market for teachers with masters. Masters degrees _must_ be paid premium scale here - union rules. Schools can get lots of certified teachers at less cost . Junior colleges may hire, though.

My advisor warned me....

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Famous last words.

Reply to
Mike Marlow

Larry Blanchard responds:

Nah. TV has always been mostly lousy, though now we call the early days "The Golden Age" because most of it wasn't picked up on kine, so is never shown. I spent too many mornings staring at a little (10"?) screen with snowy gray images of Bill Boyd and Buster Crabbe and a bunch of little know actors in some of the most puerile series ever. Today's stuff is a bit better presented, but is just as stupid.

Captian Video where are you?

Charlie Self "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Napoleon Bonaparte

Reply to
Charlie Self

Ding! Wrong. The percentage of bullshit artists with TV preachers is 175. ALl of them and all of 'em planning to rake in big scores that way--which they will, after which they can whine and sob and drip tears about how sorry they are they screwed all their parishioners out of money while screwing some showgirl in Vegas or elsewhere.

It's a rough life, but someone has to do it.

Charlie Self "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Napoleon Bonaparte

Reply to
Charlie Self

Mike Marlow responds:

One hopes.

Charlie Self "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Napoleon Bonaparte

Reply to
Charlie Self
[snip] | |Large scale unemployment and economic ruin are the hallmarks of economies |managed by fraud and/or force, almost always at the hands of government. |Prosperity and growth are the hallmarks of private sector voluntary |cooperation with a strong profit motive.

Tim, I have read your stuff with interest. You are clearly a smart guy and for the most part I agree, if only in principle, with almost all you have written.

But since you bring up fraud and government (redundant?), I would like your take on the massive economic fraud being perpetrated on the US worker by the tidal wave of illegal aliens, most specifically those from Latin America.

I happen to live in Tucson, which has the dubious distinction of now being the most crime-ridden city in the union, thanks in large part to the presence of wetbacks--err--illegal aliens, undocumented migrant workers, illegal entrants, border crossers or whatever term du jour they are called today.

Our national parks and wilderness areas are being ruined by wetbacks, our hospital trauma centers are closing because of the costs of treating wetbacks injured in car crashes while fleeing from the Border Patrol and we are at risk while driving down an interstate highway because wetback smugglers are now having running gun battles on the highway. (Four killed on I-10 a month or so ago) BTW, it is published Border Patrol policy to *not* arrest these people until *after* they have received their medical care. Thus the local taxpayers and legal patients are responsible for the costs, rather that the federal government. Free market in action, eh?

The Hispanic apologists and "activists" (how do you get to be an activist? Where do I apply?) say that the wetbacks are taking only those jobs that citizens will not take. Of course, that is completely wrong---they are taking jobs that citizens will not take at the depressed wage brought about by the illegal activity. We also hear that the wetbacks contribute more in taxes than they receive in benefits, which is also absurd, since much of their labor is paid for in cash and is definitely "off the books."

We have articles in our newspapers wherein building contractors admit to breaking the law by hiring wetbacks because, "Otherwise, we couldn't be competitive and the price of housing would go up." Sounds good huh, until you think about it. If none of the contractors used illegal labor, they would all be on the same level playing field. And so what it the initial price of the house goes up. The buyer only pays for the house once; he gets to pay the increased property taxes need to provide the medical care, education, and other welfare benefits for the wetbacks and their kids forever.

This "in sourcing" is going to be the ruination of our economy and way of life long before outsourcing does. And this is the fault of a corrupt government that turns a blind eye to enforcement of the law in a flagrant pandering for "Hispanic votes."


Reply to
Wes Stewart

I have several responses to this:

1) Any nation has a responsibility to protect its borders and the citizens within them. It it precisely because the US Government is so busy doing what it should NOT (meddling with the internal social order and lives of its citizens) that it does not do what it SHOULD (controlling the borders and illegal immigration).

2) Immigration, is GOOD for our nation. It provides cheap labor, in most cases for work no other American actually wants to do. It is literally true that parts of US agribusiness could not survive without cheap Mexican labor. This internal competition is healthy for the same reason that outsourcing is - it drives the economy to be increasingly efficient. Yes, Mexican labor depresses wages. But for what jobs? Manual labor, entry-level blue collar jobs, and such are the usual targets because they require minimal skills. The fact that someone will come here and do them for half the price of an American tells me that the American worker expects too much for such work, not that the Mexicans are screwing us.

3) That said, *illegal* immigration is a disaster. Without some checks and balances to see who is coming and and making sure they leave when they are supposed to, we have at the very least an enormous national security problem. It is now reported that likely terrorists are infiltrating the US via the very same SW borders because of our stupid policies in this matter.

4) The primary reason you see what you do in your part of the country is because of all the Do Gooders in public life who think we owe everyone else something, whether they've earned it or not. These Do Gooders (they come from both the political Right and Left) believe that the government should mandate minimum wages, feed people, educate them, care for their health, and generally be everyone's mommy. They do this because they know that the bigger government gets, the more everyone will depend upon them, and thus the more power they will accrue for themselves. Their lax attitudes on illegal immigrants stems from the fact that they cynically want to prepare the way for the next generation of advocates for Big Government. Illegal immigrants have legal children in this country, and that's what the Professional Government Mooching Enforcers are counting on for votes in 20 years.

5) This is easy enough to fix, but the American people, as a group, are too dimwitted and badly educated (by those fine public schools we all pay for) to do what is needed here. Laws need to be changed in the following manner:

a) US law enforcement should have the unrestricted right to shoot anyone who attempts to cross our borders when challenged for ID. This is the same thing as you having the right to shoot someone invading your home. Reasonable warning should be required, but after that, the presumption should be that they are illegal and trying to sneak in. It would take only a few such incidents, and illegal crossings would vastly diminish.

b) Anyone here illegally who has a child should have that child's US citizenship denied and both should be expelled from the country without any appeals process once their illegality is definitely established.

c) NO immigrant, legal or otherwise, should ever be eligible for any US social services. You should have to be a citizen to participate in the system. I speak as an immigrant myself here. I proudly became a citizen the moment I was able to do so. Anyone who emmigrates here and then refuses to become a citizen should go home and stay there.

d) No civil laws should protect illegal immigrants. Only criminal laws (which deal with force and threat) should be brought to bear on their behalf. An illegal immigrant should never be able to sue a doctor for malpractice, a hospital for not granting service, and so on. They are **illegal** - they should have absolutely minimal civil rights, as they would, say, under the Geneva Convention for POWs.

e) The money wasted on our truly stupid drug laws should instead be retargeted at maintaining full and active border control. $30B a year or so buys a lot of border patrols, USCG water and air management and so on. It might even help the hardcore unemployed. Create a well-trained civil defense corp that works full- or part-time in the portions of the country where the border is found.

6) I live in a town with a huge Mexican population. I find these people largely hard working, well intended, and generally good neighbors. Well, the immigrant class is. Their children are spoiled brats, badly behaved, and obnoxiously indulged - i.e., They are like most other American kids who grew up with everything handed to them and therefore appreciate nothing.

In the final analysis we all get what we ask for. Politicians get blamed, but the truth is that they'll do what they have to in order to get/stay in office. We The Sheeple keep telling them we want "more" from government. We should instead tell them we want LESS - all we want them to do the real job of government: to keep *us* *free*. Until we as individuals understand that our government's job is not to be everyone's (domestic and foreign) Santa Claus, government will continue to abdicate its role as the institution that preserves freedom, and instead will be in everyone's shorts in matters personal, social, and behavioral.

Sadly, there is little hope that this will happen. The Sheeple have discovered how to vote themselves largesse' and they appear to be unwilling to turn back. This is not just a greasy-left-wing thing either. The right-wing is just as bad, and the people who vote for them, just a greasy. The only difference between left- and right-wing politics is who gets screwed and who gets the benefit.

My family comes from a part of the world that witnessed what happens when government is "in charge". God help us if we don't stop the slide in that direction we are currently undertaking. From 1930-1932, approximately 20 Million of my ethnic cousins were murdered by one man - Stalin - because he was "doing what is good for the country."

Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

I don't think she will have a problem because she is a Mathematics Teacher. There is plenty of demand. She will have her Masters by December.

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I don't have to admit that wealth is a zero sum game! Are you trying to say that there will be no more wealth in the world in the future and that the current total wealth in the world today has always been the same in the past? This is the traditional argument used to justify punishing those nasty rich people. Wealth is not a constant and a win is possible for anyone willing to take a risk and work at what they believe in - and not necessarily at the expense of someone else unless that some else can't/won't adapt to the competition.


Reply to
Doug Winterburn


both of "Where are those WMDs?" and economic reality. You haven't been listening. You seem to represent very well that "srtrong back and weak mind" part of our citizenry. Tim has done an outstanding job of

Reply to
Courtney Mainord


I loaded some SONY hotfixes and the system went into meltdown. Cripes. Called Sony and got a Indian gentleman, in Ft. Meyers, Florida!! We spent half our time together, with him repeating everything he told me to do until I could "devine" his English. After about an hour of this, I was kicked up to a very knowledgeable American tech. Spent another hour, trying some very esoteric fixes.

And then HE told me to do a full recovery of XP. (Well, it did solve all the conflict problems. Ofcourse, a full recovery, reformat's the primary drive, so there's not much to conflict.)

Just a hint....if you're into video, some of these high powered video editing programs don't play well, together. And "apparently" Kodak Easyshare really irritates some Sony factory loaded software. Beware. Recovery Points are in there for a reason. Use Them. And you (and I) can screw around with that registry, but if you mess up the InstallShield data, you'll NEVER get it straighten out. Start over.

(Total telephone time was well over two hours. Wonder what my next telephone bill will look like? Bet money, right now, I'm not going to be happy).

Full recovery takes about an hour, but I've spent a week tracking down programs, serial numbers and I guess I'm going to end up buying yet another copy of McAfee. The last time I bought my "copy" of McAfee online and THAT's not going to happen again.


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Can we have dizum guy back and have this guy given the boot instead?

Reply to
Paul Kierstead

FWIW, I can restore my Win32 system to a full running state from scratch in about 45-50 minutes. This includes everything - OS, applications, and my own data. How? By taking regular snapshots of working systems with Norton Ghost onto a removable hard drive. My system configuration on that machine is really complex. It used to literally take 2-3 days to get it rebuilt. Now I take regular snapshots and my worst case scenario is about an hour to recover my world...

Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

|In article , | Wes Stewart wrote: | |> Our national parks and wilderness areas are being ruined by wetbacks, |> our hospital trauma centers are closing because of the costs of |> treating wetbacks injured in car crashes while fleeing from the Border | |Can we have dizum guy back and have this guy given the boot instead?

So what part troubles you? The facts maybe? Or that I don't speak of them as "border crossers," the title of the day in the local press.

Read the following story and you'll see that "wetback" is completely accurate.

formatting link

Reply to
Wes Stewart

Then she still has time to check.

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That "consistent level" is maintained by laid-off factory workers becoming burger flippers. Who was it in the Bush administration that tried to get those fast food jobs redefined as manufacturing jobs? 'Nuff said.

But that won't convince you to lay aside your theoretical economics for the real world, so I've made my last responses on the subject. At least to you.

Reply to
Larry Blanchard

Just when I'd given up on you, you go and write something that is, for the most part, quite sensible. Or, IOW, something I agree with :-).

Reply to
Larry Blanchard

Now THAT's funny! Last time I was tested, I had an IQ of over

165 - and 67 years of experience to go with it.

Perhaps you should investigate some sources other than Rush and Fox Spews :-).

Reply to
Larry Blanchard


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And here I thought I was being sensible all along ...

Reply to
Tim Daneliuk

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