Recommendations digital bathroom scale

Lying again or just senile and can't remember what you posted? Here it is:

Other poster:

Rod: So isnt much use if you are trying to work out what meals produce a net weight gain and which ones produce a net weight loss and whether exercise does help with your weight loss.

Other poster:

Rod: Not if you are working out what meals produce a net gain and whether exercise does help with weight loss.


Rod: Wrong, as always.


Rod: How odd that those who need to control their weight like jockeys and boxers do it that way.


Rod: Pity that weight every fortnight proves nothing.

You really are deep in the hole of ignorance and now you're just like Trump, doubling down and lying more.

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A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” ~ Robert Anson Heinlein

And do simple math without relying on his phone.

As far as BMI, my work has a BodPod and that's what I use instead. But not everybody has access.

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Mad, its much more accurate to do it daily just after getting up after the first piss of the day, always with the same clothes or none.

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Rod Speed

That says nothing about weighing to the GRAM, you silly little pathological lying gutless f****it.

<all the rest of your pathological lying flushed where it belongs>
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Rod Speed

Still can't read your own posts or senile or both?

Other poster:

Rod: Not if you are working out what meals produce a net gain and whether exercise does help with weight loss.

Man that's so stooooopid, even for you.

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Some gutless f****it/pathological liar desperately cowering behind trader_4 wrote just the shit you'd expect from a desperately cowering gutless f****it/pathological liar.

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Rod Speed

otoh if you are just following a particular diet and are just confirming that it is working, weekly weighings are fine.

But if you are working our what works better than other approaches, or if exercise makes any difference, daily weighings works better.

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Rod Speed

Yes. It is amazing how the obvious can elude people. It is EXACTLY as accurate to weigh once a week as once a day or once a year.

ANY individual measurement has variability.

Yet you will find the advice from countless diet and weight loss "experts" to weigh once a week because once a day has too much variability.

If you want to "average out variability," it's easy. Just weigh every day and calculate a 5 day or 7 day running average.

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