Poison Ivy Seeds!


I took a while and checked all possible online shops. But they aren't selling poison ivy seeds. So could it be possible to send few grams by mail, if possible please?

For personal email use: snipped-for-privacy@jetable.com

I would be happy and pay using paypal.

Best Regards, Ivy Fan / Finland

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Ivy Fan
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If they're like most other ivy, just take some cuttings and transplant. I won't ask why you want this particular foliage.

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I want to use it preventing trespassing. I already have hawthorn planted there. But if people just keep going trough it then there will be hole and no can do. Ok, some nasty roses might do the job but I guess poison ivy would be annoying enough.

Also Stinging Nette grows here naturally all around in large bushes but it has the same problem as hawthorn. It's gone quite soon. And even its nasty its not painful enough to prevent trespassing. People easily learn to avoid it.

Poison ivy doesn't grow here naturally so people don't know to avoid it. hawthorn spikes aren't enough small and sharp so if you wear jeans so so and anything more than t-shirt it's easy to go trough and it doesn't rip your clothes.

And yes, now you know the reason too. Poison Ivy doesn't grow here eastern Finland, temperatures are quite similar to Anchorage / Alaska. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't grow here if it's planted. So I just need some seeds.

Transplanting should work very well. If I just would have a plant.

Sample of popular hawthorn fence (finnish text).

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though and long spikes. Able to penetrate car tires easily. But doesn't go trough clothing easily if you just have some kind of hole in fence.

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Ivy Fan

Ivy Fan, Since Poison Ivy is a non-native plant in Finland, I do not think it would be a good idea to introduce what would be considered an 'exotic' species, whether by seed, cutting or otherwise.

Anthony B.

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Anthony B

IvyFan, Have you conisedered some form of wire fencing to keep trespassers out of the hawthorns until they have properly grown together?

Anthony B

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Anthony B

Poison ivy is plentiful here. Do you realize its effect is delayed and varies from person to person. Some people are not bothered by poison ivy at all. If it would grow in your climate most people would not recognize it. When a rash appears the next day they probably would not realize what caused it or where they came in contact with it. So it probably would be of little help with trespassers and might limit your ability to use your own yard if you react strongly to it.

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So don't transplant a foreign species, especially not a weed.

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Bill Kearney

String barbed wire and grow your bushes up around it. Growing poison ivy would probably get you arrested. daveA

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David Raleigh Arnold

Do you have Japanese Barberry bushes (Berberis thunbergii) there? They are thorny and can be shaped and are quite nice looking, especially with the red berries. It is used to keep all manner of animals out. I had them along a property line some years ago and were trimmed to about 3' tall and 2' wide. They formed a continuous barrier along the property line.

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Please find another alternative. Poison ivy is a very nasty plant. As another poster stated, not everyone is effected and there is a delay so it will not be effective in keeping people out.

When I moved into my current house, I had a 1/2 acre backyard covered with poison ivy. It took me 3 years of constant cutting, pulling and spraying to get it under control. I still spend several days each summer looking for and spraying suckers rising from the ground.


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Dean A. Markley

Email me, I think I can help you. chaisone(at)yahoo.com

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