Under patio heating

OK, 100 times better than Manchester, which doesn't say much, and nothing to write home about.

Now Paris...

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Again centre : superb outskirts : well ............

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Paris has a small footprint and the centre is quite large. "Overall", probably the finest city in the world. The only minus point is that there are few open spaces in or near the centre.

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There are two main origins...

Those of Swedish extraction and those of Russian.

The latter tend to be less attractive.

I've heard the same said of Italian women.


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Andy Hall

You're wrong there. They are all quite different.


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Andy Hall

I worked in Aulnay-sous-bois (in between the cement works and the Citroen plant) and lived in Port de Bangoulet (sp?) for a while, some years ago.

Shitholes, both.

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I also worked in Copenhagen for a while, and thought the food quite acceptable.

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He can't have. I have a friend just south of Vetlanda in Sweden. Wonderful place, lovely people and traditional food is different (of course) but great on the whole.

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Andy Luckman

Near to Jönköping?

IIRC, the region of lakes and forests.


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Andy Hall

I went there and didn't like it.

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The Russian-Italians are less attractive than the Swedish-Italians?

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S Viemeister

In the Italian case, I'm convinced that it's metamorphosis.

Up to a certain age, you see the petite young ladies going round on motor scooters and the like.

Then they appear in large black dresses in the kitchen draining huge pans of pasta; or on TV advertorial programs selling the latest gadget, mainly with their arms.

There never seems to be anything in between.

I am also convinced that body language is inversely proportional to either temperature or latitude.


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Andy Hall

That is potentially a problem.

There are ostriches on both sides. Many with their heads in the sand ignoring the mass of evidence that "global warming" is completely natural and has little or nothing to do with human activity, if it is actually happening at all.


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Global warming is a fact. ALL major scientists and governments have recognised that man is influencing global warming.

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Fortunately, science doesn't work on a consensus basis.

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Neil Jones

Too true and all scientists all agree, so it must be right.

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No, only by the few who have signed up to the Kyoto protocol, which has everything to do with politics and nothing to do with saving the Earth. There are plenty of others who disagree (the silent majority as usual).

Remember its only 30 years since the doomsayers were telling us we were all going to variously freeze/starve to death/run out of oil 10 years ago. Where are they now? Retired on the fat profits they made from their books bought by gullible idiots. That didn't work so now the new generation are telling us we're going to die of overheating.

Take your blinkers off and look at the evidence, e.g. why does the data from satellites show no appreciable warming? Look at the number of temperature records tainted by urban heat island effects that show warming and then look at the number of clean records that show little or no appreciable warming, or even cooling.

What warming there is, is a natural cycle and has nothing to do with human activity. We're still recovering from the "little ice age" when the Thames used to freeze over, to something more akin to the medieval warm period.

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crap about global warming

Name them please.

< snip drivel >
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You have excelled youself - self-contradiction within a one-line sentence.

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Neil Jones

Please get your attributions correct so that IMM will not feel hurt. I wrote about the global warming crap!

Regards Capitol

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