OT: Shingles Vaccine

Which of course, is irrelevant to the point. And I suspect that you're one of the people who can't accept that many diseases are not caused by environment or diet.

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BigPharma has often missed the strain of the year, but you have to do something with millions of doses of ineffective vaccine. Then there was the year when there was a shortage and they admitted it doesn't work that well on seniors so they were saving it for younger people.

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Very few immunizations provide close to 100% protection against infection. What your comment ignores is that the incidence of flu this year would be much greater if none of the population had received a flu shot. In fact, one of the reasons why widespread immunization is important is to provide a population with the "herd effect" that greatly minimizes person to person spread once a threshold percentage of a population has been vaccinated. Unfortunately, for most vaccines, that percentage is substantially higher than the typical compliance rate for many populations. Look at the world-wide history of polio and measles over the past 50 years. When a substantial % of the population was immunized, the number of infected cases was very low. As the % immunized dropped off, the number of infected cases has increased. This is with no change in either the biology of the infecting viruses or the potency of those vaccines. The controlling variable is the % of the susceptible population that has been immunized.

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Never have in my memory. The flu in the wold has never been the flu in the shot. Oh, and the flu in the shot is a live virus, so it is communicable. So, oh joy! there is the flu in the wild going around and the flu shot flu as well.

Where are the "ambulance chasers" when you need them.

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So he is the culprit!

Big pharma is an absolute amoral machine. It is whatever makes the bottom line higher. There is no humanity involved.

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Hi Frank,

You were just lied to. The shot is only that much effective against the virus IN THE SHOT, not the virus in the wild. And it is probably in the 60% range too.

The last time I listened to a documentary on the flu shot from the actual researchers, the efficacy against the flu in the wild is less than 4%. In other words, it is useless against the flu in the the wild. In my memory, it has never been effective against the flu in the wild.

By the way, the researchers went through how the they decide what to put in the shot and it is really fascinating. The Chinese mix their ducks and pig together. First the duck get a new strain, then it mutates in the pigs throats (pigs immune systems being very similar to humans), then it jumps to humans, then from China, it spreads through the rest of the world. Their decision as to what to put in the shot is only an educated guess at best.

By the way, the researchers said that you have an approximate

60% chance of gettig sick from the flu shot. And interesting, if you don't, you won't develop immunity to the virus IN THE SHOT.


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You do have strange science. We've never had the flu since getting the shots. I see no reason to stop.

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Ed Pawlowski

And you, an anonymous troll on the internet are the sole owner of the truth then?

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Scott Lurndal

The problem is that the government has lied to the people so many times that you'd be foolish to blindly believe them. If the government says vaccines are safe, it's likely a good bet they're not.

Do a little research on Ancel Keyes, fat, cholesterol, vegetable oils and the government's dietary guidelines and you'll understand my skepticism.

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Currently flu vaccines are multi-valent, meaning that they produce antibodies against several (usually about 4) of the flu strains that are expected to be the most prevalent during the upcoming flu season. There's always variability in which strains end up being most prevalent and which strains substantially mutate. If the epidemiologists predictions are good, and the viruses mutate very little, the flu vaccine will be more effective the following season. And, there IS immunological evidence that earlier immunization does provide some protection against future infections of the same strain if it has not mutated much. Herd immunity is not synonymous with residual immunity. You've conflated or confused the two.

What you say above is filled with partial truths and distortions, and contain substantial factual errors that enable you to draw erroneous conclusions, both respect to flu and with respect to polio vaccines. (The live attenuated oral polio vaccine (Sabin) is only used where there are insurmountable social, economic, or logistical barriers to vaccination by injection (mostly in very remote and primitive societies). It is no longer used in the western world due (as you said) to the risk of causing iatrogenic infection because safe, sterile injection equipment is readily available to administer the older, but much safer original killed virus vaccine (Salk), which is now widely used, and has been for quite a few years now, in the western world. Properly manufactured Salk vaccine cannot produce polio.

And you heard wrong. 85% of SUSPECTED or self-diagnosed flu cases were found on serologic testing to actually be cases of the common cold. In short, they were diagnosed as common cold. Accuracy and precision are critical when analyzing scientific information.

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What's "normal"?

Cindy Hamilton

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If you are not getting it from the shot, you are probably one of the lucky ones that don't catch the flu at all. I am envious.

There are some folks that can't catch the common cold either. How are you on that front? (Yes, it is kinds of hard to tell them apart.)

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What's a DES vaccination? The widespread BS myth that has been thoroughly discredited was that the MMR vaccine caused autism. The dopey fraudster that published the paper claiming that was proven a lying fraud, the paper was withdrawn and he had his medical license pulled. The possible link between autism and vaccinations has been thoroughly researched and all the credible science I've seen says there is no link.

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Basically, it is a good guess. And they seldom get lucky.

I have never know it to be effective the next season. Something new always arises. And they guess at that too.

Good new on the polio vaccine.

On 2/15/19 7:16 AM, Peter wrote: >> In fact, one of the reasons why widespread immunization is >> important is to provide a population with the "herd effect" >> that greatly minimizes person to person spread once a >> threshold percentage of a population has been vaccinated.

No, I was responding to your statement about 'the "herd effect"'. I do not believe you mentioned "residual immunity" in your letter until now. I could be wrong.

If "residual immunity" actually worked with the flu shot, you would see humanity occasionally skipping a year with the flu. But it never happens.

"Herd immunity" is not in effect with the flue shot either because it always gets the virus wrong.

A big topic of conversation around these parts is did you get the flu shot and still get the flu? Yup. You guessed it.

This just out and out marketing fraud. The flu shot does not work and causes all kinds of havoc.

Vaccines have been a real blessing to humanity. Unfortunately, not all of them have been.

List my distortions please.

By the way, listen to the marketing liars on Herd Immunity and no one would catch the common cold or flu after about age five. That is not the way it works.

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I'm sure there is as much evidence that T1 diabetes is caused by diet as there is that vaccines cause autism. You trumptards never cease to amaze. A core problem seems to be that you can't deal with a complex modern world. Everything has to have simple causes and simple solutions and if things don't, well then any conspiracy nonsense or denial is the order of the day.

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Measles are a good one. Polio too. Please understand that I am not anti vaccination. I am anti "bad" vaccinations.

Not sure what you are referring to. If it was my statement about catching the flu shot flu the normal way, it is by touching surfaces with that have the virus on it and touching your face or just breathing the air from an infected person. Washing your hands helps a lot.

Oh you mean autism rates. Here you go

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In the 1980s, most estimates of the rate of autism were that it affected 1 in 10,000 children. Today, the official estimate of the autism rate is 1 in 110, with many localities reporting rates closer to 1 in 100. That's a 90-fold increase, or 9,000%.

Where the DES vaccination is not used (typically the separate the three apart and give each individually), the autism rates are back to 1 in 10,000

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So now you're not only claiming that the flu shot is totally ineffective, that it has no benefit, but that it actually causes the flu? Wow.

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This was years ago I saw the statistics. It was defiantly medical professionals misdiagnosing the common cold as the flu. Not finding anything about it on Pub Med though. Google search are misdiagnosed flues that turned out to be something deadly.

Somewhere I heard that folks that think they have the "stomach flu" have actually gotten food poisoning.

By the way, just try and get an allopath these days to do a culture on your throat before prescribing antibiotics for a cold. And now we have antibiotic resistant super stains.

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Actually because most don’t get flu shots.

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Rod Speed


That’s obvious, and nothing even remotely like one either.

Vaccination is actually an immune system ENHANCER.

Nope, its genetic. T2D is indeed brought on by obesity if you have the genes that produce that result.

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Rod Speed

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