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Blame it on Leon....
Well, maybe the one I used for a bit was just out of adjustment. The one I used was under powered and had seen a lot of site and travel time. I got a 10" radial saw sometime in the early 80s, and...
hf wood glue
does it really dry clear as advertised none of the titebond i have used dried clear so just for that it might be good to have some on hand seems so perhaps titebond licensed the product to hf but only...
Been hunting, found what I was looking for.
Ditto. In a rush to finish up a cabinet repair, I bought some 3/4 ply from HD off a brand new lift. It clearly said "Product of Chile" on the ends. I sawed it up for paint grade shelves and it was...
Yacht builder's auction of woodworking tools
there is room for some improvement for that kind of equipment pictures would never be good enough the open house is where the serious buyers can give everything a good looking over and assessment but...
Garden project
Is this what you are referring to? If so, it seems to me that with those angles, just a little extra length on each leg, buried in the ground would be support enough. (The wood should to treated for...
12000 grit mesh sandpaper
you misunderstand when do you decide on a paste versus a really high grit paper there are polishing papers for lenses for example but historically lenses used polishes polish was specified for a...
Ping Nailshooter
. Actually, that's and excellent thought. Workmanship like that is almost impossible to come by these days, and no doubt they cabinets will be well made enough to take to the next business location...
So a math problem
Round the 5th decimal into the 4th of PI. It is also Saint Patrick's day amateur day number two drive careful and sober.
Woodworking machine tool :What should you avoid when working with woodworking machines?
notbob wrote in news: Many of the suggestions seem to have come from a metal working background. Blowing chips off with compressed air is a big no-no when you're dealing with metal working machines,...
Re: Places to buy S4S 2x4s?
When you speak of 2 x 4s, you generally mean construction lumber. No, you won't find any with square corners. Most do carry other wood for finish work but usually it is 1" boards. Your best bet is to...
Possible sandpaper find
A friend of mine restores old motorcycles. He long ago taught me to paint. A friend of his brought over some Indasa Redline Rhynowet sandpaper 600 wet dry. My friend is a die hard 3M guy. He just...
New poster/woodworker
Since it is Europe, their power tools were all 220V. Saws were sculpted from marble so the tables were really flat.
Turning tool quality
I have three sets of full size (not for pen turning) turning tools. I don' t know their history as I got each set from descendants of the original own ers. I am trying to identify whether they have...
lady made a nice woodshop
nice live space above have never seen a carabiner wear down that much Timber framed woodshop | lena.sherbakov
OT: CTS surgery?
Anyone have personal experience with the "open hand" surgery? How did it go? Was it effective? Has it lasted?