Some things, only Dad can do.....

There are some things around the house (and in life) that it seems only Dad can do (of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but humor me). The one I encountered today:

Hear a toilet that is running and running and fix it (the chain got caught under the flapper)

Why can no one else hear this and investigate?? Ah, the burdens we bear.....

Okay folks....what else can only be done by Dad?


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Operation of the toilet seat. Apparently, in my house, I am the only one who is required to lift the toilet seat and then put it back down. I feel that if I lift it, others should put it down, and if I put it down, others should lift it. Been arguing over this for 42 years. :-)


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Hustlin' Hank

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You must make allowances for female genetic differences. Women do not look before they sit. They just don't, and can't be trained to do so.

If the seat is up when it's time to go, they'll get wedged in the bowl.

I suggest putting the seat down is a small investment in preventing the necessary shattering of the toilet with a sledge to free the trapped female.

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HAHA Mike, I have a 20 month old, and he's lifting the lid everyday to get to the "fun" inside.

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My answer to women that bitch about it was always 'Be glad I bother to lift it!'

-- aem sends....

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You can try this training tool. I don't think it'll get the proper response, but, what the hell:

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And since they NEVER lift the seat up, they NEVER clean under the seat, that is left to men who have to touch the seat to pick it up. I have been in an all female house and you should see the disgusting condition of the bottom of the seat.

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Women do not look

Thanks for that explanation. I've tried to have my wife explain to me why it's so important that the seat be put back down and I never quite got it. Plus I am still confused if they mean the lid or the seat.

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16-22 months is the golden age....toddlin' around, not talking too much. Love it.
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Yeah, but the yell when butt hits porcelain can be worth it. As much fun as shutting off the hot water when the shower is in use.

NOTE: been married 44 years, have not done either on for 43.999 years.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retired Shop Rat: 14,647 days in a GM plant. Speak softly and carry a loaded .45 Lifetime member; Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Web Site:

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David Starr

Drill through the side of the bowl, and thread in a schraeder valve (tire valve stem). When she gets stuck, pull the valve core, hook up the air hose, inflate to about 28 PSI, and then scrape her off the ceiling.

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Stormin Mormon

A freind of mine has an eight year old boy. We're out to the park a couple Saturdays ago. Light rain. I'm going this way and that, to walk down the road and stay dry. Joshua goes right to the center of the puddle, and stomps up and down. I wonder if I was ever like that?

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Stormin Mormon

I grew up in a household where Mom was the only female. Mom learned to look.

I married into household where I was the only male. I learned to put the seat down.

And all those old girl friends said I couldn't be trained....

-- Doug

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Douglas Johnson

Thought of a couple more:

- Kill a spider

- Remove a mouse-trap that has completed its mission

- Feed the dogs (in my house at least)

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We piss standing up because we don't want to put our ass on a dirty toilet seat unless it is absolutely necessary.

I've seen and heard about how there is more piss (and other things) on toilets in womens restrooms than mens, why is that?

I'll agree to disagree, if you wish.


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Hustlin' Hank

Heck yea, aem. I was just going to suggest that the guys close both lids and listen for the howls.

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C & E

We piss standing up because we don't want to put our ass on a dirty toilet seat unless it is absolutely necessary.

I've seen and heard about how there is more piss (and other things) on toilets in womens restrooms than mens, why is that?

I'll agree to disagree, if you wish.


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C & E

Yea, they seldom lift the seat except for the very occasional cleaning of the porcelin.

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C & E

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