Chasing Mosquitos out of the garage (shop)

Last night, all the mosquitos biting at my ankles chased me back into the house.

Any suggestions on how to repel them other than Off! or similar products. I just don't like putting chemicals on my skin unless absolutely necessary.

How can I kick some mosquito butt?


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Well, in this case you have one of three options--

1) install screens or equivalent on all openings into the shop area, 2) spray the area well 3) use DEET or an equivalent.

W/ the prevalence of West Nile, I'd strongly recommend 1) or 3) ...

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Duane Bozarth

The propane-powered 'Mosquito magnet' works well, though it is expensive... But I think it's the single best way to "kick mosquito butt" without spraying chemicals on your skin. Or build a bat house - if you can get some bats to move in, it's an excellent, safe way to make a significant dent in your mosquito population. Of course, if you have buckets or tires or anything else full of water that could be emptied, that would reduce mosquito breeding area and eventually sort of kick their butt. Deet is probably safer than West Nile or EEE, but at high concentrations it does disolve some kinds of plastic, so be sure to watch that. You could try some of the stuff you spray on your clothes (containing permethrin), which is supposed to last 6 weeks or so. I used some for hiking, and it worked pretty well - not perfect, but much better than nothing. It is plant-based and 'natural', but that doesn't necessarily make it healthy - cyanide and hemlock are both made in plants also. As long as you don't spray it on yourself, though, it should be fine on your clothes. Good luck, Andy

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With West Nile disease a fact of life, I think I'd get over my distaste of applying a repellant.

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Just do what I did: grow thicker skin. :-D I'm not sure if I just have thick skin, or if it's my weird skin condition, but mosquitos just don't seem to like me. When I was a teenager, I used to get bitten all the time. Now, I can go for a walk on a humid summer evening and get maybe only one or two bites, which are minor and don't seem to itch. If my wife or kids are with me, they'll get dozens without a repellant and I won't get any at all. Maybe it's the mosquitos here in illinois. The ones in florida seem to be more aggressive. But even they prefer my wife to me.


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Seems like I remember reading that the American Indians would rub rancid bear fat on themselves. Also seem to remember them using garlic and/or wild-onions.

Personally, I prefer "Cutter's" over OFF and the bear fat.

Bill W

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The easiest step is to wear LIGHT colored clothing. Mosquito's are attracted to dark clothing.

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Actually they home in on carbon dioxide.

The original poster can try Avon's "Skin-So-Soft" hand cream. It works well as a repellent. See:

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If you really want something that works - a buddy of mine sells this system. I've been to his house and in the pool - he has no mosquito's.

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D Steck

Put up some bat houses.

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B a r r y

In rural Mexico when sleeping they have a small fan blowing on them. It seems the skeeters can't land on you if there is a breeze blowing on you.

If you are outside you may need a bunch of fans. In the shop 1 or 2 ought to do it.


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Wood Butcher

From what I understand (and in my experience) mosquitos don't fly when it's windy. Or they do but they're blown away. Either way it's a good thing.

Run a fan to move the air around the space. Works for me in the shop and back yard plus in the bedroom when that incessant whine around your ear just as you're falling asleep gets you to slapping yourself in the dark. (A perfect straight line for a SWMBO joke here but I just don't have the energy at the moment. Anyone?)

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Fly-by-Night CC

Try Bounce Fabric softener sheets. Works like a charm. Rub exposed skin with one or just simply pin to your clothes or place in pocket leaving it hanging out like a hanky. Can even hang a few around the area you are in. Efficient and very cost effective.

Try it... you will be most surprised.

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Bob N

Yeah but I can confirm that if I am outside, mosquito's seldom bother me but let my wife step out and she gets attacked setting right next to me. And yes the Avon products work well for her.

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If you had access to DDT, a wrongly banned product, you could eliminate the mosquito problem with no negative side effects. You might consider some insect repellent. There are some other interesting responses to your query....Bounce sheets pinned to one's trouser legs sounds intrigueing. Good question. By the way, where are you located?

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Joseph Crowe

Is that legal in California? :~)

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Probably not. there's a rumor going around that breathing will be banned next...


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The problem is w/ West Nile it only takes the one..."Toughing it out" ain't all it used to be. :(

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Duane Bozarth

I haven't read all the posts you received on this but one trick you may want to try is "Bounce" - the sheets that you place in your dryer. When I was working out west I used to spend the weekends hiking the Sawtooth mountains and there were plenty of mosquitoes and other free-loaders that would take a bit when they could.

We would wipe any exposed skin with one of those sheets and then wrap one around each ankle under the sock. Worked like a charm and didn't need any messy, oily sprays.

Now other products may be the same but I tried a local "house-brand" and it did not work. I've heard others say the same thing so whatever is in Bounce is what keeps the critters away.

Bob S.

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With some very pointy shoes?

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Limey Lurker

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