Latest green domestic technologies

Where's it all heading...

The latest in green lighting is night vision goggles. Switch all your lights off, and only consume a few watts with the goggles. The latest goggles even power down when you blink. A 0.1 watt IR LED ensures you can see in the darkest of places.

The latest in green toilets is the 1.25" S shaped pipe. Carefully sized to waste no water, you only need flush it with 300ml of water. Of course your aim must be... perfect.

The latest green bath is a human shaped polythene bag. 200ml of water and you're all wet. No need to use a cloth, just add soap and exercise, powering the whole house 5 watt electrical system. Rinsing can wait till it rains.

The latest wall infill is cardboard. It insulates well, and with a generous roof overhang has a life expectancy of one season. The green furry cardboard can then be recycled as soup thickener.

The latest carpet is a ground covering plant. Why use precious plastic for waste plumbing when you can just empty the dishwater onto the plant.

The fridge has been replaced with an eco friendly solar dryer. Why waste precious electricity when the sun can dry and preserve all the food for you. In winter you should lose weight anyway.


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