Tonite's ABC News: "Cartridges".... WTF?????

Did anybody watch ABC news tonite?

They were talking about the wackjob that got caught on the European train a couple days ago.

They showed a photo of an AK-47 and a bunch of magazines and called them "Cartridges".

This is on national network news....

Has the definition of "Cartridge" changed? Or is this right up there with some moron-who-claims-to-be-a-journalist calling a twin-rotor Chinook a "Huey"?

Only thing that bothers me more than that is knowing that nobody is going to call them on it.

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Typical of the media, if it sounds more horrific, they run with it

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Per ChairMan:

What is horrific to me is that the people writing their stuff don't know (or care about?) these things.

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Yes, and I thought the same thing - what an idiotic thing to say.

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Wrong, it is more horrific that there were that many magazines full of cartridges. There was a lot of killing power there.

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What are your views on gun ownership ?

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Terry Coombs

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Terry Coombs

Which reminds me. Between a year ago and about 3 years ago the local news, every time there was some shooting, got all breathless and reported how "Joe blow, or the police, or a bystander was CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE". They even slapped up "CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE" with a set of cross hairs by the blood red letters as the overlay on the screen for teh news stories. EVERY shooting had someone CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE. I finally emailed them saying they ought to look up the meaning of the word crossfire since they didn't seem to know what it meant. Hadn't given it much thought till now but it was fairly soon after I emailed them that their stupid "Caught in the crossfire" nonsense died down and they never say it at all anymore.

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Ashton Crusher

And the real mystery is that since those guns are illegal there how in the world did that guy have one plus all that illegal ammunition!!! Doesn't he know that making guns illegal means criminals can't have them!!!!

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Ashton Crusher

Cartridge is a synonym for magazine according to the Oxford Dictionary:

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That doesn't seem to apply if one is talking specifically about guns.

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Dean Hoffman

Is it true that hitting someone face-on, which might have been the only angle available, won't likely knock someone out?

But hitting his cheek or jaw from the side, sideways, is likely to?

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Not as good an example, but the only one I've got, is the use of epicenter. It means, iirc, that spot on land that is above the center of an earthquake. But the news uses it to mean center, on the theory that the more syllables the better. Compare with medication, methodology, and others.

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I like the idea.

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Ashton Crusher wrote on 8/23/2015 :

I guess he didn't feel like obeying the law. Criminals are like that, yeah they are.

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Off track a little more, the phrase "The Nuclear Option" is used to apply to it seems like *everything*.

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micky laid this down on his screen :

An uppercut is more likely to achieve a knockout.

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Well, they sorta looked like VCR cartridges, dontcha know?" I'm not saying it was ever any better but apparently you can get a paying job as a journo with no knowledge of spelling, grammar, or the ability to form a meaningful sentence.

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Fortunately magazines full of cartridges don't kill on their own and their possessor appears to not have much of a skill set.

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"He [Ayoub El-Khazzani] said he found it in the park which is just next to the Midi Station in Brussels, where he often sleeps with other homeless people."

Damn, I'm going to have to look around parks more often. A halfway decent non-selective fire AK was going for $500 last time I looked.

Considering Europe appears to be awash in illegal immigrants one has to assume bringing in their toys with them isn't difficult.

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2 : center 2a, b, c

Examples of EPICENTER

Most dictionaries will accept the goat behind door 2.

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