Treated lumber for bird house

Glad you find humor in a dumbass's death. Very compassionate of you.

I'd say he taught his kids about gun safety all right - as a counterexample. Is there a point in this, or are you just sharing an amusing anecdote with us?

Reply to
Dave Hinz
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Yes, that much is true.

Fair enough, but I think I'll pass - this topic loses a bit of glitter after the dozenth time or so.

And tell me how that's wrong. At the end of the day, no piece of hardware operates itself, there's a human directing it. Until or unless guns develop intelligence which allows them to be autonomous, it's still the person who bears responsibility for their actions.

Reply to
Dave Hinz

Nope. Just some people who ignored warnings.

Anyone who read Tom Clancy's best-selling _Debt of Honor_ wasn't totally surprised of a commercial plane being used as a weapon.

(That's the one where a 747 crashed into the Presidential inauguration.)

Reply to
Bruce Barnett

Citation, please?

Let's have some facts here, shall we, instead of just repeating bullshit that you read somewhere?

Source for the following is the 2003 World Almanac and Book of Facts (World Almanac Books, New York), pages 76- 80.

In 1999 [latest year this almanac provides statistics for], there were 28,874 total deaths involving firearms in the United States. Of these, the majority were suicide (16,599). Approximately three out of eight were homicides (10,828). Another 824 were accidents, and in 324 cases "the intention involved (whether accident, suicide, or homicide) could not be determined."

One year contains 525,600 minutes. Therefore, the rate of firearm deaths from all causes in the US in 1999 was one every eighteen minutes -- and a firearm

*homicide* occurred, on average, once every 49 minutes.

For comparison purposes, in the same year, 42,401 people died in motor vehicle accidents, and more people died of falls (13,162) and poisoning (12,186) than died of firearm homicides -- and one-point-five *million* people die of cancer, heart disease, and stroke every year.

For those who are unduly concerned about firearm _accidents_, please note that more people drowned (3,529), choked (3,885), suffocated (1,618) or died in fires (3,348), than died in firearm accidents (824, as noted above).

Translation: you don't have any facts to back up your claims.

Wrong again. That group is called "liberals". One symptom of their illness is the delusion that laws, in and of themselves, actually have any effect on the behavior of the criminal class, a group which _by_definition_ does not obey laws. This most frequently manifests itself as the delusional belief that legislation restricting the use or possession of firearms can in any way reduce the crime rate, despite massive evidence to the contrary.

-- Regards, Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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Reply to
Doug Miller

Apparently you didn't find it worth noting that the majority of those are _suicides_.

-- Regards, Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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Reply to
Doug Miller

Citation, please?

Switzerland, I maybe could believe -- but the claim that Canada has more guns per capita than the United States seems ludicrous.

No, it's a crime-control problem.

-- Regards, Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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Reply to
Doug Miller

Quite correct. A legal system that returns violent felons to the streets, while incarcerating non-violent voluntary users of mind-altering chemicals, might have something to do with that, do ya think?

-- Regards, Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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Reply to
Doug Miller

Obviously finishing nails are very dangerous and must be banned.

-- Regards, Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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Reply to
Doug Miller

Complete and utter nonsense. You obviously know _nothing_ about guns, and can't even imagine that it's necessary to _practice_ in order to be able to shoot one properly.

Or are you suggesting that we should practice on human beings? Are you volunteering as a practice target?

Nonsense again. Citation, please.

No, but neither will a bullet.

Wrong again. Its _ability_ to kill other people serves a _powerful_ deterrent purpose to an aggressor, whether or not it is actually used. That is, of course, the reason that the U.S. Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms.

Perhaps so, perhaps not -- but you appear unaware that targets occur in other shapes as well, the most common being concentric rings.

-- Regards, Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

Get a copy of my NEW AND IMPROVED TrollFilter for NewsProxy/Nfilter by sending email to autoresponder at filterinfo-at-milmac-dot-com You must use your REAL email address to get a response.

Reply to
Doug Miller

Why? Because they don't go around shooting each other like the gun loons in the US?

The US has more people in jail per capita than any other first world country. One in every seven men in ther US ends up in prison.

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Doing a bit of research on the stats related to our disastrous gun registry boondoggle...

Estimated number of gun owners in Canada: 1,900,000

Budgeted revenue raised through registration fee: $117,000,000

Revised estimate of revenue raised through registration fee: $140,000,000

Revenue per gun owner (revised estimate): $73.68

Registration fee per gun: $25.00

Approx guns per owner: 3

Total guns (government estimates): 5,700,000

Canadian population 2003 estimate: 31,629,700

Candian guns/capita: 0.180210372

Note that these are long gun and shot gun estimates for legal ownership.

Legal ownership of handguns in Canada is very difficult.

Guns in possession of law enforcement officers not included above.

Guns in possession of criminals not included above.

Guns in possession of birds living in houses made from treated lumber not included above.


Reply to
Dave Balderstone

I doubt any of my neighbors have to be worried about being killed in their beds by my Bostick 15 gauge nailer.

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That's the first rational thing you've posted today.

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depends on how good your aim is!

dave wrote:

Reply to
Bay Area Dave

so when the police practice their shooting skills at the target range, they are mentally ill?

dave wrote:

Reply to
Bay Area Dave

Nope. If I was gonna kill em I'd use my framing nailer. Which reminds me, I need another 50 feet of hose.

BTW did you see that construction worker who fell, and accidentally shot 5 3.5 inch framing nails into his brain and head and LIVED.

It was on the tube a few weeks ago.

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Nope. They use their guns to kill people. It only prudent that they practice so they kill the right ones.

It's not considered mentally ill to walk around naked in a nudest colony either. Try it in your neighborhood.

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Yes, now that Bayer has started marketing pesticides, I'm convinced aspirin must be unsafe.

I sure wish I had some Pentachlor wood preservative. My father had his garage doors replaced after a hurricane in 1983, cheap, basic doors of (untrested) pine frames with MDF panels. I was a teen then, and was prepping and painting them, and first I prushed on some Pentachlor preservative he'd bought. The doors were painted on the outside only (though I later did paint one on the inside). Painted twice in the past 20 years (due for another painting now). The bottom couple of panels have been under water for hours at a timethree or four times, and the bottom eight - twelve inches of the doors have been soaked for hours in minor floods probably a dozen times. The wood is in great condition, while I've replaced all of the hardware once, the springs twice, and probably should replace a few of the rollers again. It may wipe out all the wildlife in miles, give downwind neighbors cancer and explain why the cat had that pesky extra head, but, damn, it sure preserved that wood!

(I wore rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles when I applied the stuff, and *still* got a drop spalshed in my eye. My father, a chemical engineer, phoned while I was rinsing my eye out, and freaked out, wanted to come take me to the ER.)

I replaced the pesticide foggers I used regularly in my workshop with lizards. Well, the lizards (geckos) moved in, and I found I no longer had the recurring problem with crickets getting into my woodpile.

Reply to
Robert E. Lewis

I never thought I'd be defending Dave, but I am :-).

I grew up in an era and place where eveyone had guns. Kids even brought them to school so they could go hunting on the way home. While there were people who misused them, most of the people who got shot deserved it.

The rule was never, never point a gun at someone (or something) unless you intend to pull the trigger.

If you were a kid stealing watermelons or corn, you got rock salt.

If you were an adult doing the same, you got birdshot or rabbit shot.

If you broke into a house, you got a .38 or .45 slug or a hunting bullet.

The problem isn't the guns, it's the breakdown of society.

Reply to
Larry Blanchard

Actually, I prefer "Those who beat their swords into plowshares wind up plowing for those who didn't."

Or, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."

As long as there is one person in the country who has a gun and is willing to use it for criminal purposes, I'll hang on to mine.

Reply to
Larry Blanchard

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