I Guess SWMBO Wants Me Back In the Shop

Well I am singing because tomorrow I get my catheter taken out and I can fly solo even if I have to wear Depends. I am hoping this cancer hasn't left me too incontinent and I can work in the shop unabated....

So last night I was sitting in the living room, watching TV and reading the latest Woodworker's Journal and in walks my SWMBO with a brand new shop heater. She got me the Reddy LP heater that goes 40K, 60K 60K BTU's (from Lowe's I think) and I am guessing that is a big hint to get the hell out of the house. Since I am having to stay at home for 6 weeks following my surgery, I guess she is not only getting cabin fever, she is suffering from I -Need-You-The-Hell-Out-Of-My-Hair syndrome (as am I as a matter-of-fact). I can only sit and tie just so many flies before I need a change of scenery and head off to my office/computer.

So after tomorrow, I can start on the violin. I am looking forward to making some dust again!

Hangin' In There in Idaho..... (loosely, V E R Y loosely)


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Kind of bulky and not so efficient. I'd suggest looking into proper incontinent supplies available at many health stores. They fit better, they're easier to use, they work better and likely to be just as cheap or cheaper. Why use some jury rig setup when there's products dedicated to that exact usage? This topic might make some squirm, but the alternative for a home made set up not working properly will make one squirm more.

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Just ask them for a Texas Cath. It's a condom with a hose and bag, basically. Dave in Fairfax

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Just touch things up with the shop vac every once in a while. :-) mahalo, jo4hn

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To inject a bit of levity. A few years ago after kidney surgery I went in to my office to negotiate a rather large contract. I still had a catheter and a big bag on my leg. I had spoke with my secretary the night before when she left my home and explained what the strategy was. She kept the coffee and drinks flowing and I kept negotiating. It's amazing how many concessions you can get when the other side has a full bladder and just wants to get to a break. I was able to keep hammering away and would estimate that it was worth at least $1 million better than I would have been able to get otherwise.

Under some circumstances catheters are good things.


T. wrote:

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LOL! I'll have to remember that when we renegotiate our print contract in 2005.


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Dave Balderstone

Sounds like I need to get one of those for driving. Cut off the bag, hang the hose out the window.

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Could be, unless someone bolts from the room just are you're ready to present the crucial part of your negotiation.

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This might be a good use for saw dust. Just leave it on the floor. It'll soak up whatever hits it! Good luck getting back into the shop.

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So, just how do we identify your truck from the rear? Joe checking windshield washing solution as soon as I hit send

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Joe Gorman

Heck, I was thinking one of those might work well in the airplane! Look out below!


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Henry Bibb

Do a search on :blueice: and airplane. I used alltheweb. Joe

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Joe Gorman

I am definitely NOT driving behind you. That's why God made Coke cans. Pee in them and ditch them. Appropriately.

Dave in Fairfax

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If you have to go bad enough that you'll try doing it into a coke can, then you better have more than one and a great deal of 'throttle' control, because one can certainly wouldn't be enough to hold the volume.

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My first trips to the relief tube in a C130 involved the simultaneous release of precious bodily fluids and alcohol to make sure the tube didn't freeze.

Always wondered if the stuff really dissipated like they said.

Those were the days....

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Uh, it's the one with the spray of piss wafting out the back, obviously. Duh. :)

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Don't eat the yellow snow!

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You ever try to pee in a Coke can while driving?

I have.


Might have had less of a mess to clean up if I had just wet my pants.

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The hole is still too small. Three-liter bottles are better, but it's still a bit small.

I have a can of Slim Jim beef jerkey sitting on the dog house, with "pot to piss in" scrawled on the label. No matter how broke I am, no matter where I go, I always have a pot to piss in.

When you wake up at 4:00 AM, have to take a leak, and you're miles from the nearest facilities, it's better to have a nice *big* target to aim for. DAMHIKT.

(I keep one can for eating, and when I empty it, it gets to be the new piss pot, with the old one going into the trash. Yes, indeed, one time I grabbed the wrong one in the dark of night. I got a real surprise the next day when I wanted to eat a piece of beef jerkey...)

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