Original stair covering in a 1950s council house?

"Mark S." wrote | My mum and dad have carpeted stairs and I've never fallen | down them yet even with a 50kg printer under my arm. ;-)

I once tried to ride a Spacehopper down the stairs.


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Does she live her entire life upstairs, then? Hidden away, like Mrs Glum? "Ooh, Ron!"


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Mike Mitchell

No. You just know she is coming downstairs by the sound of bumping and crashing.


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Christian McArdle

Boy, that really must have been a bit of an incident!


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We used to slide down the stairs as kids. I must have grown up in a fully carpeted house, because I wouldn't fancy doing it on wood!!

Besides, aren't socks more deadly on laminate? I've never thought of carpet as a risk, but lamitate will make you slip easilly with socks and wet feet, done both myself. I'd think twice before using it on an upper-landing.


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I never thought I'd think of any of your posts as silly, Peter.

Perhaps it was a joke.


Reply to
Mary Fisher

I couldn't have put it better.


Reply to
Mary Fisher


But it ain't 'retro', it certainly isn't 1950s council house, when having carpets was the ultimate in aspiration.



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Mary Fisher

I'm with Peter on this one, even though I'm not all that old myself. People look back with fondness, then compare those images with today. All that's different today is that your life is better in every measurable way now. ;-) However, thanks to the wonders of technology, all the bad things that happen in the world get fed to us from all directions, and the world seems like a dark, dangerous place. Parents worry about their kids to the point of driving them to school, despite the fact that child safety as improved pretty much consistently since the 50s. It's crazy.

We seem to have some bizarre fascination with the morbid side of life. Much like slowing down at an accident for a peek, we watch the news night after night to hear of a bus crash in Germany, 15 dead, War, Famine, Disease and so on. Media outlets know this, so they give us as much as we can take. The bottom line is ratings/copies to them, and this is what gets us watching/reading. They should call it "The _Bad_ News".

And as such, a lot of people have a bleak outlook on the world. But if you look at it, there's never been a better time to be around than now. We are getting to witness one of the biggest changes in civilisation ever, the information age, a global civilisation. Smile people!!


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I wish it was wallpaper - it's artex... ;-)

Mark S.

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Mark S.

Painted? i.e. somebody was an artist?

Artex on staircase walls? Presumably you've scratched your arms a few times and complained......

Why do people have these strange ideas?

Have you decided how you're going to deal with it?

BTW, I forgot to ask. How are you getting on with plumbing, Mark?


To email, substitute .nospam with .gl

Reply to
Andy Hall

I can only partly agree.

The one thing that has got worse, and worse - due partly to teh fact that other things, like death and disease have got better, is the total overcrowded over regulated over managed over monirored nature of the place.

In the 60;'s you could, if you had a resaonable amount of cash, or s decent screwdriver and alligator clips, acquire an E type jaguar and belt up the roads to wherever at infeasibly high speeds, and, if you killed yourself it was your own damned affair. Now its not even the concern of those who live along main rods, its a matter for 'public concern'.

Frankly, the public ought to naff off and set its own house in order before peering into its neighbours. The government, ought, if it had any sense, to remoive all speed limits, reduce tobacco tax, and give out free smack, to help reduce the population levels to the point where it was possible to actually live in the country without interference.

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The Natural Philosopher

Nah - only lino was good for that... Geo

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What have politics got to do with it?

Critall windows are not. I'm talking about the nasty cheap things produced by the thousand for corporation housing. They have no redeeming features whatsoever. They are draughty, get covered with condensation the minute the outside air temperature drops a degree, rust, grow slime and are woefully insecure. The only people who like them are the lamebrains of the National Trust and English Heritage, for whom nothing is too mediocre to "preserve" so long as someone other than them has to live in it.

But at least they don't grow slime and let in cold air. Windows should be functional first and decorative second.

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Peter Parry

The prime function of windows is to let in light.

PVC windows cut down the ammount of light let into a building compared with any other glass paned window I can think of except perhaps stone mullioned ones.

I wouldn't have them if I were offered a fortune.


Reply to
Mary Fisher

No, the prime function of a window is to keep weather out, otherwise all that is needed is a hole in the wall !

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