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OT Tire valve caps
Why? I doubt if they would do much, if any, good if the valve was leaking. They get in the way when checking air pressure - if they weren't there I'd likely check more often. All I can think of is to...
Attic fan dead? (i.e. probably electric motor problem)
Hi, My attic gable vent fan stopped working and so I went upstairs to find a plastic bag tangled in it. It's this model: I removed the bag, but nothing happened. I unmounted the fan, took it to the...
OT: On-line calendar
What's a reliable on-line calendar? I used Google until it stopped sending me daily reminds, which cost me a LOT of money for not paying a bill in time. Switched to Verizon, but it takes forever to...
OT: What news reader for Linux?
I've just about had it up to here (pointing to forehead) with windows! I'm going to start using Linux as soon as I can find a replacement program or two. One program I need to replace is my news...
Replacing Wall Outlet - What to do with red wire?
Am replacing a standard wall outlet with a new USB outlet. The house is only 7 years old. The existing outlet uses black, white, red and green wires but the new outlet's instructions only specify...
America's favorite crime family in the news?
Cliven Bundy?s son facing arrest in criminal case Lance Bundy facing arrest stemming from his felony conviction on burglary, weapon charges.
OT - Anyone Know a Simple US Street Map Website?
I'm surprised that there are no "maps" usenet groups! I could just find two - and - both of which are dead. So I'm posting OT because there are a few humans here..... best I can tell. LOL! Anyway.......
California to fine homeowners $500 for washing the sidewalk
Agriculture has power. The people do not. So, why not fine BOTH agriculture and people for wasting water? Nope. That would make sense. No. They fine PEOPLE for washing their cars, to the tune of...
America: No longer 1 nation, 1 people
Speaking to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Albuquerque in 2001, George W. Bush declared that, as Mexico was a friend and neighbor, ?It?s so important for us to tear down our barriers and walls...
First fence post as a bench marker
One side of my house is overlook an Alleway (cars can drive). I want to bui ld a fence similar to this one (click on the link below please) My house is in similar situation of the picture above...
Noise in the background of my AM radio
I know this might sound off topic but please read. I have an AM radio which is plugged into power in the wall. There is a buzz noise in the background of whatever stations I listen to. I turned on one...
Waterproof battery
I got to change a battery on alarmed exit device, yesterday. It's on outdoor door, and gets wet. The manager wants to know if I can provide a waterproof battery, so it will last longer. I took out a...
Repair dryer timer
Timer started acting in ages (20 yo+) old Kenmore dryer. Removed it to look up the P/N (youtube for instructions on removal, real ez stuff). While on it, decided to see if I can repair, instead of...
drywall/gypsum board shim spacer?
I have a small hole in a [wallboard] wall, maybe 1 x 2.5 foot, that I want to cover over. I already have some 1/2" drywall, but the existing drywall is 5/8". What might I use as a spacer, or shim?...
how to tell if a circuit breker is "bad"
A friend had some other friends staying at their beach house, and there were "problems" with the power. This is third hand, so who knows what the real story is. I may take a short beach vacation to...