I cried...

Kurt Ullman wrote in news: snipped-for-privacy@70-3-168-216.area.spcsdns.net:

His close associations with felons,terrorists,and communists/Marxists. Ayers/Dorhn alone would kill the deal.Or Rashid Khalili.

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Jim Yanik
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Next time, try skepticism. It's a lot more productive than cynicism.

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Boy, are you ever uninformed. Texas Democrats are basically Republicans. That's why it was such a joke when GWB bragged about his ability to "reach across the aisle" when he was governor in Texas. It wasn't much of a reach.

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McCain, on the other hand lived with a bunch of Communists who were sworn enemies of the United States for 5 years. He even publicly supported them.

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I almost cried when I saw the hammer and sycle flags they young people were waving.


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ALL of America? Nope, not ALL of America but way too many that is clear. Apparently you just round everthing up to a whole to suit your own purposes. There is an old saying that clearly applies here...

You can fool all of the people some of the time, You can fool some of the people all of the time, but You can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Obama managed to fool some of the people all of the time but failed by a large margin to fool all of the people for even some of the time.

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Oh yes, that is what they want the majority in Texas to believe but make no mistake, they are liberal democraps in every way possible.

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That is exactly the WRONG thing to do. Adam Smith firmly put this silliness to rest in the 18th Century with his work "The Wealth of Nations." Each country should do what it does best and trade for the products and services of what another country does better. That way everybody prospers.

Very little of our foreign aid is in cash. Virtually all of our foreign aid is in the form of purchase credits against the goods and services of American companies (food, fighter planes, etc.). As such, it is a direct subsidy to American workers.

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Exactly. Knock on doors, contribute what you can, attend meetings, clip newspapers, pass out literature, register voters (except those of another party), write letters, hold 'meet & greets,' whatever.

Some people think all those yard signs and bumper stickers just miracle themselves into existence!

Suppose the campaign decides to send the candidate to your town 24 hours from now. How do you think 10,000 people get the word to show up? How do the bottles of water and the porta-potties materialize?

There's a complicated organization behind even the most innocent-looking political event. That organization needs people and money. You can help.

Many years ago, I started at the bottom and worked up to being in charge of ballot security for my county. For the next election, I was planning on being part of the 'Black Ops Brigade' (dirty tricks, wire-tapping, espionage, theft, intimidation, blackmail, assinations, etc.), but other events interceded.

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Chicago Public Radio, September 2001. Audio here:

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Watch the video:

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Why? Is she asking for a new sex partner, too?

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Well, when you didn't know that Texas Democrats are basically Republicans, you were merely ignorant. Now you've promoted yourself to being full bore stupid.

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Why call someone an idiot just because you don't understand a process?

Clearly you have never been through the process of getting a security clearance. You need to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire which requires you to list everyone from childhood friends all the way up to people you associate with and of course your parents etc.

I worked for a company that went after business that required everyone in our group to get a clearance. And the FBI actually did interview everyone including childhood friends and neighbors and even former neighbors. Two folks got rejected. One was because a parent was a foreign national and the other was because of a friend.

Ask yourself if it is unreasonable to make that statement since one of Obamas parents is a foreign national and he is known to have associated with some questionable folks like going to the church of the extreme anti American preacher for twenty years.

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Rum or beer in the summer. Single malt scotch any time (at least lunch). I like Oban or Macallan but I'm not too picky.

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Mortimer Schnerd, RN

FWIW, I have long suggested that the Fed Gas Tax be rolled back to just enough to cover research on safety and road builing methods and materials. Then the states could increase their gas tax by an amount decided by the Legislature to cover THEIR needs. More efficient since you don't take money off the top to run the bureaucacy, lets the states decide their own priorities, does away with one of the bigger pork barrels (which of course is why it won't ever get done.)

Even that is most likely not a violation as long as the tapped phone or intercepted communication device is overseas. The courts have long noted that if the tap is legal, then any conversations recorded thereby are legal no matter who the tapee is talking to. With in the US, for example, if Goombah #1 has a tap on the phone and Goombah #2 calls G1 and talks at length about nefarious activity, then G2 can be arrested, tried and convicted on the basis of the tap on G1's phone. Even though there was no tap authorized on the phone of G2. There is no law at all that stops taps on OVERSEAS phones, so they are legal (or at least not illegal and thus not the fruit of the poisonous tree). If the tap is on a communications device in Afghan and someone from the US calls that device, the tap is still legal and the US person is like G2 above.

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Kurt Ullman


Is that opinion based on one sermon? Got evidence that he is "anti-American"? A preacher preaching fire and brimstone is not anti-American if he is basing his sermon on sin (killing), IMO. Don't go for that style myself, but have heard plenty of fiery sermons that really prompted people to reflect. From the perspective of older African Americans, America has been an awful place ... no housing available, no voting, trashy schools, etc. Being angry about our past doesn't make one anti-American. Ever been beaten up by a cop? I'm caucasian, but I've encountered some cops who were not "nice" and who lied on the record........only takes once to strike terror in one's heart.

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You beat me to it. As a North Carolina resident, I removed myself from the Republican Party roles this year to become an independent. That freed me up to choose which primary election I wanted to vote. By the time NC has its primary, the Republican frontrunner is long chosen, so voting in the Republican primary is an exercise in futility. It was the Democratic primary that provided me with a choice. I voted for Hillary because she appeared most likely to lose in NC. I wanted the most divisive candidate to win for the Democrats. I thought the longer the Democrats remained divided, the easier they'd be to defeat.

America has demonstrated that she is sick of the current situation. The Republicans had the power and pissed it away. I fully expect the Democrats to do the same. Many in Congress are there only to serve themselves. I'd strongly support term limits to do away with the professional politician as a career choice. Didn't the Republicans have some sort of term limit included in their "contract with America"? I seem to recall my local congresscritter Sue Myrick signed the contract. Of course, she continues to run in every election. I guess she didn't mean "her".

I look forward to seeing what can be done by a new administration in righting the nation. I hope they don't f*ck it up but I don't hold all that much hope. And I hope the campaign rhetoric about Obama turns out to be just that: rhetoric. We'll see.

If the Democrats pile on and push through a bunch of very divisive stuff, look to see yet another cleaning out of incumbents in 4 years.

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Mortimer Schnerd, RN

I didn't vote for Kay Hagen (our new senator in NC) but I hope she does something for us. I wrote Elizabeth Dole on several occasions concerning things like gay marriage and flag burning constitutional amendments (don't they have anything IMPORTANT to do?) and said at the time I was concerned for the future of the party if they continued down their current path. Well, they carried on and got tossed out on their collective ass in this state for it. Do you suppose they noticed?

Elizabeth Dole ran a very negative campaign in the style of Jesse Helms (may he roast in Hell). In fact, her "godless" TV ad is credited with losing the campaign for her. That, and the fact she accomplished nothing in her 6 years in the Senate. She was good for 2nd Amendment support and that was about it.

I ramble on....

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Mortimer Schnerd, RN

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