New EPA demands for homes built before 1978!

Bush will get LOTS of attention when WW3 starts in the mid east compliments to bushes removing saddam h...........

after this we will all be too busy just trying to survive to care any more about bush, who as a secret service protected X president will be safe and sound in cheyene mountain........

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If only it were that simple for a guy trying to make a living running a sole proprietorship or small business. The faster road to bankruptcy is to take your advice. Then you wind up with a neighbor calling the EPA, they come out, shut you down, fine you, a hazardous waste clean-up company gets called in, which you pay for, then the homeowner sues you for project delays, etc.

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As far as I know, there is no statue of limitations for Crimes Against Humanity.

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No matter what happens in the years ahead, some extremists will continue to blame Bush for anything bad. Even if Iraq turns out to be a free and stable country, he will get no credit. Of course, had Bush simply done nothing with saddam, these same people would be blaming him for that too. The whole world knew Saddam had WMDs because he used them on his own people and against Iran. British, Israeli, and Russian intelligence believe he still had them. He was still refusing full cooperation with the UN inspectors and ignoring the agreement that ended the first Gulf War right up until the day of the war.. Most of the lib Democrats made many speeches outlining that they too believed he still had WMDs and WMD programs. I can only imagine what the Bush haters would be saying had he let Saddam stay in power and some attack later resulted using WMDs. Then they'd be calling for Bush's impeachment. Hindsight is always 20-20.

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The other exception is if you DON'T TELL THEM YOU'RE DOING IT!! DUH.

business as usual. no change.

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Steve Barker


DIY is exempt from the law.

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The problem, as evidenced by the last presidential election and the trash that is coming out of the dumbocrat congress, is that this is not a law passed by congress, but is a sidestepping of the Constitution by the EPA. It carries the weight of law without being constitutionally enacted. They are planning to do the same with Cap and Trade. What do you expect when criminals are put in charge of so many government agencies?

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Michael Dobony

Blame your criminals that were put in charge of the various government agencies by the unqualified and illegal president.

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Michael Dobony

Sorry, it applies to HOME OWNERS ALSO! It is also NOT a law, but a new regulation out of the EPA bypassing the constitutional process.

They have to file the $300 application, take the $100 class and get the roughly $1,000 worth of equipment necessary to comply with the new regulations.

I got this by calling the EPA directly!

The "hysterial rants" are based on calling the EPA!

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Michael Dobony

Per a call to the EPA, the ONLY exception is if you pay to have the house inspected and certified lead free by a federally certified inspector.

If it affects anything more than 6sq indoors or 20sf outside you MUST be certified.

Call teh EPA and complain.

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Michael Dobony

cue: Twilight Zone theme music...

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Nope, also applies to homeowners, per call to EPA and website.

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Michael Dobony

I. Sadaam didn't do what we wanted, so:

  • We invaded his country,
  • Evicted him from his homes,
  • Confiscated his fortune,
  • Exiled his family,
  • Killed his children,
  • Imprisoned his friends,
  • And eventually had his skanky ass hanged

The theory was these actions would have a discouraging effect on others similarily inclined. So far, only Libya has come to Jesus.

We may have to do it over with Iran - or at least not get in the way.

P.S. Israel has at least four submarines equipped with cruise missiles.

II. We need a war every ten-fifteen years to keep the tip of the spear sharp. It's estimated that today there is no ground force commander, from sergeant through general, that has not led troops in combat. You can't BUY that kind of experience!

Also, we need wars to keep recruitment up. Who would become a fire-fighter if there were no fires? Likewise, if there was never going to be an opportunity to kill people and blow things up, who would become a soldier? Heck, 85% of those who've served in Iraq or Afghanistan have re-enlisted at the first opportunity. The remaining 15% were invalided out, retired, or married harridans.

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On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 15:52:01 -0500, "HeyBub" wrote Re Re: New EPA demands for homes built before 1978!:

Very true. The only problem is that since WWII, we've lost them all. Well, except for the invasions of Panama to arrest Noriaga and the invasion of Granada for a reason I don't recall. Generally, we no longer do well if the foe is bigger than 2% our size or if he is determined.

The problem is not our fighting men, but our political leadership and wimpy civilian culture. They betray the military every time.

That's why the rag-heads are kicking our ass.

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Vinny From NYC

To keep the world safe for second-tier medical students. Most of the Americans there were at the Medical School.

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Kurt Ullman

Uh, what war(s) have we lost? We signed a peace treaty with North Vietnam and left the country. A year later, the North overran the South because the perfidious Democrats in our Congress refused to send any more money to fund the South's military.

We won in Grenada, Panama, Bosnia, and Kent State. We got a draw in six of the nine countries on which Clinton waged war (Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, Sudan, Haiti, Somolia, and Sudan).

I don't think they are "kicking our ass". We kill far more of them than they do of us. The problem is, however, they can breed faster than we can kill them.

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Why would a neighbor know what you're doing? I always flout EPA and other gov't rules on my projects. The projects get done in a timely fashion without gov't interference. Win, win.

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We won in Korea too, or is it just my imagination that South Korea is free? And we won in both Gulf Wars, or is it my imagination that Saddam is still raping and pillaging in Kuwait? Some people must be limited to counting on their fingers.

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That's pretty funny.

The French lost a colonial war against Vietnam at the battle of Dien Bien Phu. There was a peace treaty than set elections and *temporarily* divided the country into North and South. The US was to *temporarily* administer the South until elections, but got the Asian flu and restarted the colonial war. Elections were not held because Ho Chi Minh would win - what a surprise. He was the Vietnamese equivalent of George Washington.

Robert MacNamara, who was secretary of defense for a good piece of the war, figured out the war was not winnable. Long after the war, he finally figured out the Vietnamese were fighting to get the outsiders out so they had their own country - kinda like the US revolutionary war. They fought China, Japan, France, and in turn, the US.

The other side was coming into Saigon as we were leaving. We lost because we were on the wrong side.

There never was, and still isn't, a peace treaty in Korea. The war was fought to a stalemate.

Has Sarah Palin figured out why there is a North and South Korea?

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Right. Had a brain lapse. As penance, you might enjoy:

From the recent book: "Crusade, The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War" by John Atkinson

"No American commander then in uniform had ever marched an entire division, much less a corps. For nearly half a century, VII Corps had sat in West Germany waiting for the Warsaw Pact attack that never came."

"At dawn on February 16, with clear skys overhead and a stiff breeze blowing from the west, the corps surged forward, 150,000 soldiers and 40,000 vehicles - a force larger than the Third Army commanded by George Patton in World War II.

Not since El Alamein had such a desert spectacle unfolded. On the left, the

2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment led two armored divisions abreast. On the right, the Big Red One - the 1st Infantry Division led Britian's 1st Armoured.

"From horizon to horizon the immense host pressed across the pan on a fifty-mile front: tankers and infantrymen, gunners and loaders, engineers and missile crews, military policemen, radio technicians, cooks, accountants, mechanics, electricians, chaplains, doctors, dentists, gravediggers.

"Brown streams of dust boiled from beneath each tank and truck - hundreds of tanks and trucks, then thousands, then tens of thousands. Wave followed wave in an inexorable flood of steel, roiling the desert calm with the creak of armored tracks and the whirr of turrets. The air reeked of diesel fumes as the behemoth begain to burn the three million gallons of fuel it would use each day.

"Northwest toward Mesopotamia the Army pressed, both terrible and magnificent, secure in the knowledge that nothing could stand against this irresistable force. It would soon reduce the fourth largest army in the world to the second largest in Iraq."

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