Door bell wired wrong

How about putting an official looking sign on the door: "Registered Sex Offender". When they bring the young ones with them, tell them they're pretty, even if they're boys.

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But unless you do something to put a stop to it, they will be back again, and again, and again...

Harry K

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Harry K

The various signs, etc. unless posted prominently at the street allows them to get to the door before turning back and I don't think a sign will deter them.

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Harry K

It is part of their training. They are required to hit the 'hustings' once a year and thus every year there is a new crop of trainees that show up.

Harry K

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Harry K

No, they don't -- I've been in my present house for almost 8 years, and the JWs have come to my door twice.

And even if they did come every year -- SO WHAT? How much of your time does it take to be polite, anyway?

Doubtful, very doubtful. You'll see them again. They really don't go to every house, every year. They just haven't gotten back to your house for round 2 yet.

Consider this:

When I'm polite to them, they smile and thank me, and go on their way. I smile and go back in the house calmly and go about my day.

They're not upset, and I'm not upset.

When you're rude to them, they go away consoling themselves with the words of Jesus: "Blessed are you when they persecute you and revile you, and utter every sort of evil against you for my sake, for great shall be your reward."

They're *still* not upset -- if anything, they may be rejoicing at earning the promised heavenly reward.

You, on the other hand, go back in the house fuming, your blood pressure elevated, your stomach churning, your teeth clenched... Do you really feel better for having told them off?

I think I like my way better.


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Doug Miller

Catholics are at least Christians. They may be deluded, but not beyond hope. ;-)

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No, that would be all the rest of you guys. :-)

So why do the JWs depart quickly when I tell them I'm Catholic?

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Doug Miller

Maybe they're allergic to incense, and your clothing still smells from the last mass you attended. Or, don't they do that in your church?

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You're a waste of their time? Catholics can't be converted? Cathoolics have already been brainwashed - only one to a customer? ;-)

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They do, but not often. Depends on the priest, too. Some use incense frequently, others only rarely.

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Doug Miller

Speaking of not being converted:

Sven moves to a new town in Minnesota. On his first Friday in the new house, he resumes one of his old traditions: slowly barbecuing venison, which fills the surrounding properties with delicious scents. His neighbors are Catholic, and can't eat meat on Friday's Sven's a Lutheran. The scent drives his neighbors nuts.

After a month of this torture, the neighbors decide maybe they can get him to convert to Catholicism. The invite Sven to a church social. When the neighbors see how well he's getting along with people, they broach the conversion idea. Sven figures "Why not? Nice people, good cake...". Next Sunday, the deed is done. The priest finishes the ceremony with "You were born a Lutheran, you were raised a Lutheran, but today, you are a Catholic". More coffee & cake, and the neighbors seem relieved. They remind Sven that he can't have meat on Fridays. Fish is OK.

Next Friday, the neighbors notice the scent of venison on the grill again. They go over to the Sven's fence and hear him talking to the food on the grill: "You were born a whitetail, you were raised a whitetail, but today, you are a walleye!"

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Maybe I could invite the JW's in for a some fresh venison stew? Do they eat meat ever?

To think I started this thread with a simple question about my faulty wired doorbell!

Is this a great country or what?!

Steve ;-}

ps I guess I should be carefull what I say or maybe I could get "plonked"!

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What doorbell?

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It often works that way. I find it a lot easier to understand it if you consider religions to be viruses (as according to Richard Dawkins).

These things behave as competing viruses. The one infecting you will try to keep out others, for it's own survival. The fact that only the OTHER one seems delusional, is just the virus trying to protect itself.

The oral bullshit is part of the virus' reproductive system.

This is also why it's so important (to the virus) to teach religion to children. The can become immune if not infected by the age of 7.

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"But you NEEEEED this stuff (my mind virus needs to reproduce)".

:-) (at least for admitting it)

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I suppose. Of course it sure doesn't LOOK like that.

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Mark Lloyd

I remember hearing something once about having a big barking dog named Satan. You haven't actually done anything wrong (unless the dog really does bite). The name "Satan" isn't THEIR property, even if they'd like to claim otherwise.

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Mark Lloyd

A person who puts HIS opinion of what's best for me above MY opinion of what's best for me has earned rather more distrust than gratitude.


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Yes, as far as I know. Furthermore, venison is OK for Jews and Muslims too.

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Doug Miller

Not to you. But I promise you that it does to them.

The way I see it, they're pretty harmless. They really are trying to do good (by their standards, at least), and they're not hurting anyone in the process. Much preferable, IMO, to go door-to-door trying to evangelize unbelievers than to, say, fly airplanes into buildings to make your point.

They're annoying only to the extent that you allow them to annoy you. Just smile, thank them, tell them you're not interested, wish them a good day, and go back in the house -- no sense in getting yourself upset. As I pointed out to another poster, if you treat them rudely, you get yourself a lot more upset than you get them, so who's being harmed?

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Doug Miller

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