Is horse chestnut wood good for anything?

I'm always curious when people quote "respected scientists" as to whom they're referring. Would you please give some names and lists of peer- reviewed articles on the subject that they've published in the appropriate scientific journals?

And if that information is available to you, an approximation of the numbers of those articles compared to the number supporting man caused/ enhanced global warming would be helpful.

Reply to
Larry Blanchard
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I can certainly provide some links to relevant reporting on those articles.

But if you're interested in the subject, why not do your own research?

Anyway, here are some starting points (be sure to read the comments... actual scientists are posting):

And, in case you are wondering about that pesky IPCC report, there are now 700 scientists disputing its conclusions, as compared to the 50 or so who wrote it:

That information is not available to me. But I'm curious, why is the number of articles relevant? There are a lot more people who own $300 direct drive table saws than $3000 cabinet saws. Does that mean they know more about woodworking and are better able to offer advice?

Reply to
Dave Balderstone

Depends. An ability to throw money at a something doesn't mean one is more qualified to comment. I'd argue that many woodworkers building things are more skilled at the craft because they have the ability to compensate for deficiencies in their equipment.

This is despite the argument that some who are willing to spend the money for better equipment might be considered to be more dedicated to woodworking and be more knowledgably skilled. It doesn't however, belie the fact that after a point, the preponderance of evidence usually points to the correct conclusion.

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Until somebody exposes the interpretation of the evidence as false. The earth is not flat. Bumblebees can fly. The human body can survive speeds in excess of 30 mph. The sun does not orbit the earth. There are more than four elements, and they are not earth, air, fire and water.

Anthromorphic Global Warming has become an orthodoxy. That orthodoxy is being successfully challenged, and the orthodox can do nothing but scream "BLASPHEMER!" in response.

52 scientistist wrote the political document for the IPCC that has become the Koran of the AGW proponents. Today, more than 700 scientists are saying they disagree with its conclusions.

The data the AGW proponents have used is being shown to be either severely suspect or deliberately misrepresented or falsified, and they are howling as a result.

Reply to
Dave Balderstone

As I said before, this is undoubtedly a waste of time since your beliefs are strong. However, look at

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a decent summary of some of the topics that deniers embrace.

I think you DO know who Rush is.

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"Denier". Your use of the term is revealing. You are welcome to your orthodoxy. I do not embrace it.

"Topics". Not "evidence". Your use of the one term and not the other is revealing. You are welcome to your orthodoxy. I do not embrace it.

I'm a skeptic, in the tried, true and honest definition of the word.

I'm looking at the arguments and evidence for and against the existence of AGW, and the evidence supporting AGW is, in my analysis, severely lacking and the evidence against AGW is, in my analysis, growing stronger and stronger.

I've heard of him, and seen and read some news reports and commentary about him and the people who hate him. I have never listened to him, as I don't live in the US, and don't really care for the American style of blow-hard pundit talk radio regardless of the politics of the blow-hard pundit. Which is why I rarely listen to the radio when I do travel to the US. It's pretty much crap.

Reply to
Dave Balderstone

IMaybe killer robots from Venus will descend on the Earth and vaporize us all with their lazer eyes. Are you so sure of yourself to ignore THAT possibility?

As for your "knowledge" about "man"... I think you're projecting.

Oh, dear... Now I'll be accused of being a "denier" again.

Reply to
Dave Balderstone

Or, until somebody proves the interpretation as being true. Maybe an earth wide average 10° rise in temperature might convince people. Or perhaps, a catastrophic 20' rise in the world's oceans might convince people. Are you so sure of yourself as to ignore the possibility of these things happening? If you are, then your decedents, god help them might well have to live their shortened lives knowing that arrogance killed them.

As to your bumblebee flying, scientists for thousands of years said that man would never fly. Time and a very few enterprising people proved them wrong. Only, flying isn't likely to end life of earth. It might in time however, move remaining life to another planet.

I don't know what is true as far as climate conditions go, I don't have knowledge or ability to do much about it. But, I do know that man is mostly a selfish, self involved animal and uses things up exponentionally. It maybe not now, but in the foreseeable future, unless man experiences a revelation, he *will* use up this planet. That's a certainty.

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No. Just another one of those self involved ignorant species of man that I mentioned.

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And back to the name-calling, instead of formulating an argument and presenting evidence.

Reply to
Dave Balderstone

"Dave Balderstone"

You want evidence that man is a self involved ignorant species? YOU are the evidence, proved and reproved. You in your arrogance have displayed it here for all to see.

Was that calling you a name? Too bad. Live with it.

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What don't you understand about "peer-reviewed" and "scientific journal"? Somehow, your references don't seem to meet that criteria. Perhaps you, and others, might want to read:

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for a survey of scientific opinion on the matter:

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I do realize I'm dealing here with your beliefs. Beliefs are notoriously unwilling to change in the face of evidence, so I won't pursue the matter further.

Reply to
Larry Blanchard

Are you writing letters to your Congresscritters and organizing protests and printing bumnper stickers and inventing an appropriate color for a ribbon and all the rest that is necessary to actually get something done about it, or are you restricting your activities to arguing on USENET?

Or do you think that raising utility rates through the roof is going to be a solution?

Reply to
J. Clarke

You might benefit from asking yourself why you seem unable to engage in rational debate without personally abusing those who disagree with you.

Reply to
Doug Miller

at least a decade. They've had at least a slight leftward tilt for as long as I can remember, but it really went out of control about five milliseconds after John Rennie took over as editor. They're *not* a credible source about any scientific issue that has political aspects.

Reply to
Doug Miller

Is that anything like you calling me a liar, my offering to categorically prove I was telling you the truth and you backing down?

Maybe YOU might benefit from asking yourself why you attacked Robatory with a derogatory comment while in the very same message you cried to me about abuse? Shall I quote the message back to you? I've been saving it just for times like this. You're a Big Crybaby who is wholly unable to follow his own advice.

So.Go Fuck Yourself Miller!!!

And thanks. I asked myself if I should swear at you again and realized that I'd benefit immensely from letting those few who didn't know, what kind of Flakey Asshole you are.

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Note that saying I don't believe you isn't the same as calling you a liar.

I didn't "back down" -- I rejected your choice of an arbitrator, and offered my own choice -- which *you* rejected. So by your criterion, that means *you* "backed down". Pot, kettle, black, and all that...

You're certainly managing to show what sort of person *you* are, at any rate.

Reply to
Doug Miller

Given the fact that global average temperature has been falling since

1998 -- a fact NOT predicted by AGW models, and that the AGW alarmists have now postponed GW doom for 50 years, perhaps the problem of belief and orthodoxy is not on the part of those who do not subscribe to the AGW faith. (oops, now climate change since the warming part didn't work out)
Reply to
Mark & Juanita


PS: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But Al Gore will continue to profit selling carbon credits between his own companies while maintaining a larger "carbon footprint" than most people on the planet.

Peace be upon him.

Reply to
Dave Balderstone

You specifically stated that you thought I was lying. Do you need the quoted text to prove it?

I told you to fly Daneliuk up to me. I did not refuse your choice of an arbitor. Do you need me to quote the exact text?

You're still a lying piece of shit without a shred of honesty.

I show *YOU* what kind of person I am when I'm listing to *YOUR* bullshit.

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