Re: Economic Contraction shock horror!

I wonder if chefs find them as useful, not seen them used in high end kitchens or on masterchef type programs, not sure I'd find a use for them, a timer or two is fine for me.

I just look at a weather app on my phione which gives more info.

I use a` projection clock which also gives me in/out temeratures.

I'm quite happy using a switch.

Seems strange having to tell things what to do. I started using such a system in early 2000 on my iMac. I used to say computer open photoshop etc... but after a week I got bored with it.

If you were conscious it's an advantage.

It is interesting to here the advantages and comparisions, I still don;t think I have a great need for them.

Southpark did an episode around that. you an getv google to tell alexa to add big hairy balls to yuor shopping list and them have it repeated like a chior. You could have a lot of fun with a dozen of them all responding to each other. :-)

I just turn things off.

Seems a lot of effort.

I guess with all those products to talk to it gives the impression of conversation and perhaps a sort of friend like illusion and the feeling of interaction something you don't really get with on/off switches.

I've yet to feel a need for any of them, I'm predicting that soon advertisers will be taking advantage listening in and suggesting products like google/amazon do currently with emails.

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And they use timers you can hear them go off if you're observant enough.

really complex cooking and I thought I was lazy.

Not for me.

doesn;t for me, whether it;s hot 39C or below freezing I still go to work. The condition of the buses and tubes are far more important that askign siri what the weathers like. If I could ask. "will the central line be running a normal service in 30mins time would be of help, but I don't think any of those systems are yet advanced enough to see into the future.

Have you had any sort of job ?

Perhaps but I can see the cieling and the 20cm digits projected on it.

That;s what the weather app is for and it checks my local weather about 2 miles up the road rather than what heathrow or the rest of the UK is like.

my offical outside temp is measured by wireless thermometer outside my bedroom window, because what it's like in central london or heathrow or scotland isn't that important to me.

But I only have one light on when I'm in my bedroom and it's the bedroom light. I even switch lights off at work when I leave as I have to override the really clever system which switches the lights on when I leave due to the PIRs.

I still find it easy to use a switch in the room where I want to activate the lights.

I don't need to switch my bedroom lights off or on while driving, sailing or flying.

Yeah sure, that's what those selling them tell you.

I don't see the convenience being worth the effort. I can adjust the brightness level I want via a knob that turns I donlt have to say lower light levels by 20% only to find it;s not enough and have to ask dim lights by 20% again.

Well that's a shame where's the fun in that.

I don;t want multiple things off.

What's going to wake me up ?

I guess it's OK havign siri as a girl friend that can adjust the outsiden temerature now that would be cool.

Yes we see how people drive the wrong way and get killed while on their phone.

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So it;s aimed at the lonely and friendless then, because they fill they have to talk to someone or something to help them get through their boring lives, were talking to a light is classed as conversation.

doesn't take me long to switch off a light using a switch.

I thought AUSsies used sheep for other things.

I don't talk to google, I have friends to talk to.

I don't need to ask google what to wear.

I can get that info from apps, which get their infor from

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Google isn't needed.

I didn't know google could predict the future like that, so where does google get it's info from ? How does it converts a cystal ball into a message.

you've no idea what mine is.

Or on my side at least I donlt have to put glassess on, or speak to something.

I don't need to speak or say anything.

There's a predicted weather forcast for the next 12 hours shown on the projected display but it's of little use in reality as I've listend to the news and weather forcasts.

I turn them off as I leave the roon, light switches in the UK tend to be near the doors.

Why would I want everything turned off ?, I don't

Luddite's weren't stupid.

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Not for most, we have that crap system here in the lab, it;s a pain. I;m trying to take pictures to write a manual on how to use out new PSU, but when I take a picture I get too many reflections of the LED tubes in the lab. So I've had to take the PSU to an office where I can switch the lights off. It pasthetic when yuor trying to use the AV projector, you close the blinds but you can't switch the lights off. So we had to ask for a manul switch to be installed. When someone walk past the lights come on and they leave the lab and the lights stay on for 30mins or so even when no one is here.

but rarely in real world senarios.

I want to decide what light level I want and at what time.

I like to adjust my levels on the fly not have to preduct what light level I might want next week at 6pm, and I dontl want that light levelk activated when I;m not in the roon or when someone else prefers a diffenrt light level. But then I do have friends that come around and I visit them. Thursday as the only day this week I want have people calling around or me going out.

care homes have these strict regimes as do prisons lights must go out at X time and on at Y time, I don't live like that.

I thought you said yuor auto lights maintain the light level, I want my lights off but I want other things to be on such as phone charger TiVo recorder and heating not off but respoding to the temperature I want on that day/night. I want the fridge freezer on, I don't need to tell google to keep the friage/freezer on do I.

I don't keep my phone, ipad or computer in my bedroom unless I know I'll need access to them at night which is rare.

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