Hiosting stuff into loft

is he making a trebuchet to catapolt the flooring up from the garden ?

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You're holding the phone the wrong way for 16:9 display devices.

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Did you check the ceiling for signs of sagging ?. If you need a hoist to get stuff into and out of the loft then either, you are putting too much weight up there, or you are too old to get it back down again safely anyway.

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wasn't a phone think it was a fuji camera....

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Jim GM4DHJ ...


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Jim GM4DHJ ...

Yes, but if they're full of something they can't really be squeezed through a hole.

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Chris Green

I guess the task can double as an intelligence test ;-)

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It depends a lot on the angles.

Went from somewhere with a 60 degree ladder (easy - walk up it carrying <whatever>, much like stairs)

to no ladder (erect a stepladder, do roughly the same thing, making very sure you don't knock over the ladder in the process. Loft was unboarded so just place things from where you can reach at the top of the stepladder)

to a vertical ladder (two step process: carry <thing> up three steps of ladder, push onto first board next to loft hatch. Ascend rest of ladder, collect <thing> from ledge, move into loft. Descend, repeat for next item)

In the last case a pulley would have made it much more efficient as you could do the first step entirely from the ground, and mean you avoid having to carry something up a vertical ladder.


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