Prepare to Live With a Robot: A Guide to Spotless Cleaning

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As a homeowner, it's essential to ensure that your Shark IQ robot functions at its best. Here are a few simple tips to optimize its performance. Before every cleaning mission, make sure to clear the robot's path of any small objects or obstacles, such as furniture or drapes. Doing so will enable the robot to map your home effectively.

To build a complete map, allow your Shark IQ robot access to all the rooms you want it to clean. This may take a few cleaning missions, so be patient. If there are areas you don't want the robot to map, use the bot boundary strips to prevent access. Once the interactive map is complete, the app will notify you, and you can label the different rooms.

During the cleaning process, it's essential to leave the robot undisturbed. Don't pick it up or move the charging base, as this will affect the accuracy of the map. The more uninterrupted cleaning time, the faster the robot will build a complete map. Also, run the robot in different lighting conditions, including during the day and night, to help it build the map faster. However, if you run the robot at night, make sure to turn on the lights in each room it visits.

In the first few weeks, you may notice that the robot's bin fills up more often than usual. Regularly check the fill level to determine how fast the dock fills. Every home is unique, and the bin will fill at different speeds, so keep an eye on it. To keep your home in a constant state of cleanliness, set up a whole home cleaning schedule in the app.

For additional information, visit the help section of your app or the Shark Clean website, or call the support number. In conclusion, these simple tips will help you optimize the performance of your Shark IQ robot and keep your home spotless.

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