OT: Sticky Pre-Authorizations On Your Credit Card

We get about $500 off the property tax and $12,500 tax exempt for pensions and 401k's. Seems like I get all the taxes back that I pay the state also DE has no sales tax.

State has second highest per-capita expenditure of country but probably collects half its revenue from corporations reducing residents tax burden.

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invalid unparseable
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Ya' know, everybody thinks it's a good idea to tax the daylights out of corporations and let the citizens skate...but the taxes which companies pay reduce their profit margins. This results in them needing to charge a higher price for what they make/sell.

So regular folks still pay for it in the end...

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Wade Garrett

Not so sure this is done here. You might say that the nearly two thirds of fortune 500 corporations are established in Delaware because of most favorable laws and taxes.

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I had incorporated as a consultant for over 25 years. Did not cost too much at the time and all I paid each year was franchise tax of a couple hundred dollars. I did not use a lawyer or agent following suggestions from an accountant that worked for a large builder.

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invalid unparseable

That depends on the price elasticity of the product. Amazon has a net profit margin around 5.3%, typical of the retail sector. Apple's is over

20%, Microsoft's over 30%. Exxon Mobil's net profit margin has been erratic for the last decade but never broke 10%. Samsung has averaged 13%. Pfizer had a real windfall at over 40%. Ford and GM took a hit from covid but have run about 5% historically.

So, what's a reasonable profit margin? How does rent seeking affect the profit margin? The government's decision to buy millions of doses of not particularly safe or effective product helps. How does the government enforcement of IP protections tilt the playing field?

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What's a reasonable profit margin?

For me, (when I ran a small business), it was one that maximized the chances for long time growth and gain. In fact though, it's whatever a business's owners or managers say it is...

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Wade Garrett

No, actually not owing anything lowers it. Kinda odd but that's how it works.

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I refi'd in 2007 from a fixed 7% to fixed 2.15%. Nearing payoff in about 5 years but with inflation, I'm better keeping the 2.15% than if I paid off. Not but 10,000$ or so to go.

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That is why I bought a car with 0 % and 3 years later another with about

3 % instead of taking some money out of the stock and paying for them in cash. Not sure if that was correct now that the Demcrats took over.
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Ralph Mowery

Then explain why my IRA went up over $ 100,000 under Trump and down over $ 100,000 under Biden.

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Ralph Mowery

One son said he's down $200,000. But what do we expect from commie bob?

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invalid unparseable

What do you mean "No"?

Are you saying that taking a driver safety course won't help lower your insurance premium? If so, you might want to do some simple research.

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Marilyn Manson

Assume he is saying not having debt and paying off all credit cards when due will not raise your FICO.

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invalid unparseable

When you look at the factors comprising your score, i have an A on all except debt. I have a B. I have no debt, no mortgage to score. My score is 825 but I find this: There's a limited number of accounts on your report Lenders typically like to see that you've used a variety of accounts responsibly..

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Ed Pawlowski

A balance transfer card helps you balance across different credit and store cards.

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bruce bowser

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