OT. Not a Herd

I'm not saying that engineers aren't valuable. But engineering isn't science.

My husband has done both science and engineering. I value him for his engineering skills more than his scientific ones.

Cindy Hamilton

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Sick people. They're best avoided. Nasty things come out of them.

Cindy Hamilton

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Yes, it depends. I worked in R&D with many engineers and most had PhD's. Even the few that did not were still scientists.

I have a favorite bookmark from the American Chemical Society which reads:

"Only 5 percent of the members of Congress have backgrounds in science and engineering. Yet, everyday they make decisions that impact the scientific community."

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invalid unparseable

The so what, which you still can't comprehend, is that the unvaccinated contract Covid at a higher rate and then spread it to more people, including some vaccinated people, who then get sick and some wind up needlessly hospitalized, with long Covid, or dead. There is also increasing evidence that it's much harder for breakthrough Covid cases to infect someone else. The unvaccinated also provide a larger breeding ground for new variants. And they are putting an unnecessary cost burden on our healthcare system, put hospital workers at risk, etc. Are you happy that Medicare is going up $21 per month next year?

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Right, but you had no such worries when Trump spent a year lying and denying about Covid. Or when he was hyping hydroxychloroquine as a game changing treatment, with no science behind that. Or when the genius Trump, grounded in science, turned to a govt employee and said, "you said you're going to be testing that too, right"? That was using bleach to disinfect Covid patient's lungs.

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Which reporter said that more children die from the vaccines that from Covid?

I'd like to see a cite for the doctors that have said that. No doubt there are s few nut jobs somewhere, but I doubt any mainstream, credible news organizations are citing them.

There are some glaring inconsistencies. I think masks should be required at sporting and similar large gatherings. But it's mostly the Republicans that have made this such a political issue that it's all but impossible to do.

I agree, that's another stupid and glaring inconsistency.

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If that's the primary basis, hopefully and probably won't work out. If it did, every dumb ass that wrecks a Porsche or Corvette will make the same case.

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This article talks about the recent rise in traffic deaths. It uses the words pandemic and crisis to describe the rise. The feds are coming to the rescue with another plan.

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Dean Hoffman

It was on a show on the OAN (One American News) chanel on TV. They seem to be mainly Republican and mostly anti vax. Just about the opposit of CNN.

Not saying that I believe either station,but just reporting on what was on them.

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Ralph Mowery

Crazy things happening in the courts though. You would think the responsibility would be the guy that pushed down on the long narrow pedal on the right side.

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Ed Pawlowski

I did not see the sueing part of the crash. It would not surprise me that the jury will side against Tesla. No one wants to take responsibility for their dumb actions. Then there are others that think that they have been screwed by an insurance company or some other company and it is their chance to screw a company.

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Ralph Mowery

I fell on my shoulder and just dislocated the collarbone -- center end is permanently pushed out. One more thing to hide from my mom. Doc said the only problem it would cause was difficulty holding heavy things over my head and asked if I plastered many ceilings. Not a single one!

The outer end hurt for a couple of weeks so the doc ordered an ultrasound treatment. Worked like magic. Didn't work at all for my back, though.

As I mentioned, SOMEBODY had to be in the bottom quarter of his med school graduating class.

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The Real Bev

What burns me up is that when a doctor is wrong or makes a wrong call there is not much that can be done about it in many cases.

If it was your car or some work done aroun the house that is done wrong you can often have it redone for free.

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Ralph Mowery

Still, nothing that can be done about broken ribs anyway. Somewhere I have my hubby's x-rays that shows several broken ribs displaced from where they should be. Still, they found their way home all by themselves.

One doc spent half an hour on the phone with me trying to convince me that the ophthalmologist who misdiagnosed my mom for two years in spite of quarterly appointments was really not a bad doctor and was about to retire and that I shouldn't report him to The Board. He succeeded in convincing me that if I did report the bastard there was no way I could get another doc to support my allegation.

Even GOOD docs belong to the union.

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The Real Bev

Come now, you're attempting to justify the unjustifiable act of spreading misinformation.

That makes you complicit, if not maliciously dangerous.

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Scott Lurndal

I bagged a buck that had two broken ribs. They were knitting with a nob like around the breaks. Still flexible but healing, I guess.

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invalid unparseable

That explains it. It's like Hannity. He has 4 hours of him ranting, bringing up the rare cases of side effects, has anti-vaxers on, lying doctors, like the one he had on that claimed it's not true that

90% of those hospitalized for Covid are the unvaccinated. This "doctor" claimed that if you really went into the hospitals, you'd find the opposite, that it's 90% vaccinated people. Then after all that Hannity says he's not telling anyone what to do, it's up to them whether to get vaccinated, they should do their own research. Of course most Hannity listeners aren't going to do their own research, they are listening to him and his anti-vax BS. And even the ones that do will go to similar crazy, biased sources for their info.
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Considering the number of breakthrough infections, the only thing the vaccine really does is make the infection less deadly. As for breeding new strains, what better breeding ground is there than in a patient who is vaccinated? By definition, that strain is resistant to the vaccine or the antibodies it creates. They are making super bugs.

Compared to other price increases, that doesn't even bump the needle. That is what happens when you dump $2T into an economy without increasing the goods and services that money buys. Too much money chasing too few products creates inflation.

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When you are talking about raw torque, a Tesla makes a Corvette look like a go cart. A bone stock T3 would leave a conventional dragster in the dust. Did you see the part about 40-90 in a few hundred feet on the black box?

Even the SUV does 0-60 in 3.5 seconds

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As for the law suit, I am sure they make other points. That is just the one that made the paper. They also said the T3 had handling problems that Tesla was addressing and there is always the issue of a damaged battery going into thermal run away. This was a news service story in my paper so I am sure it is online.

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When you tell everyone they are going to die of Covid, dying in a car crash seems more remote, particularly to kids.

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