Kitchen Exhaust Fan

I have a kitchen exhaust fan that's in a hood above the stove. It's attached to an exhaust pipe that is supposed to take the air up out of the house through the roof. I took the fan/hood down so that I could paint around it. I paid close attention to how it was hooked up, and I know I've hooked it back up correctly.

The problem is that the fan is not turning the right way. It's turning to blow air down instead of up the exhaust pipe.

It is important that I mention at this point that I didn't notice which way it was turning before I removed it. I assumed it was sucking the air up and out of the house! I guess I could be wrong.

Can anyone tell me if there's a "quick fix" for getting the fan turning in the opposite direction? Or a slow fix? Any fix?

Thanks in advance,

8^)~~~ Sue (remove the x to e-mail) ~~~~~~

"I reserve the absolute right to be smarter today than I was yesterday." -Adlai Stevenson

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Tony Hwang

Sue -- double check your wiring.


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it's not a 3 phase fan. I doubt that switching the wires around will accomplish anything.

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j j

There are only two things I can think of. The fan is mounted upside down or it is really working right.

Your message sounds like the first, even thought I have never heard of one like this. If you based your view that it is running the wrong way on feeling air coming out of it, that could be because some units do vent some of the exhaust down to create a kind of curtain of air to help with the efficiency of the unit. My new one does that and it does seem to help.

I know of no way that any residential exhaust fan motor could run backwards due to failure or bad wiring.

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Joseph Meehan

unless it is a recirculating micro/hood in this case you would turn the blower unit 90 degrees so the blower is facing up or back (depending on where the exhaust vent is.

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Emile Menier

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Harlen Ng

I suggest that installing a fan upside down will have as much effect as typing the letter "O" upside down, or the letter "S" upside down. You obviously havn't tried it!

Needs either a different fan blade, or to take the motor apart and put the armature in the other way. It's not something I want to teach over the net!

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Stormin Mormonn

"Stormin Mormonn", You should be aware that your quoting style and placement of dash-dash-space loses the original post for later posters who are using usenet-compliant readers.

Comments >I suggest that installing a fan upside down will have as much effect as

Dear "MaleBasher",

Swapping the blade will have no effect. However turning the motor over will...

If present mounting is fan-end up, then change to fan-end down, or vice versa.

If, perchance, motor shaft shows on both ends of motor, you may need to move blade to other end of shaft to accommodate turning the motor over, and still fit the shroud.

...Jim Thompson

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Jim Thompson

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