Salvaging - A Closer Look

Interestingly enough, Forestry, as a science, began in Germany and Japan, independently of each other, in the 1880s.

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One coin, two sides?

This sounds so like my father in law, Billy...good republican and xian that he is. I had to listen to yet another dope diatribe yesterday at a family get together..

I wonder about those folks that attempt to denigrate others with their "dope" comments....illuminating stuff that. Kinda like jangchub labeling Bill Maher a "pothead"...uh, so what? All that this conveys to me is something ugly about V, and staples/keslick, for that matter.

Charlie, longing for the good old days, I am, I am....

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Whew, need to come in from the killing fields, put on some Joni, blow a couple bowls, get laid, and mellow out, man...


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What is that old story about a Southern Baptist can't be happy because they know somewhere someone is having a good time?

Two hundred years from now, if there is anybody left, they'll look back and be amazed how superstitious and ignorant we were.

But screw the old "dark underbelly of forestry". How is your garden coming along. Sometimes I really envy you flat land people. Plenty warm here today. The weather guesser said it got to 92F. Felt hotter. Tomorrow we are supposed to break the century mark. Got my spray nozzel out and I'm misting the vegetation every couple of hours. Wearing a long sleeve white shirt, shorts, and a straw hat. Occasionally, I shot the water straight up. Cheap thrills;o)

Down to my last hand full of blueberries. Getting a few pretty nice strawberries. The squash is a couple of days away from eating and I'm trying to figure out haw to speed up the "Golden Bantam" sweet corn.

Got my other eye-ball done on Thursday. Gotta get me some reading glasses tomorrow. The newspaper is just frustrating. I have a reading glass but it is awkward to use while reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee. Then of course there is all the nekked women running around, and the darn hookah keeps getting knocked over, and I keep losing the cork to my breakfast, but I insist on cooking my eggs in real butter;o))

Some things money can't buy, true love, and home grown tomatoes.

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Your knowledge of forestry continues to amaze me, in 1967 I was in a sycamore stand in Germany that had been under management for over 300 years, by foresters. Less see, in your world this year is 2180.

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D. Staples

Hey, what I told yard mans bitch, f*ck off, doper.

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D. Staples

So answer the question, doper, what is strip cutting?

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D. Staples

Yes, you certainly do remind me of my FIL, republican. Same quick temper and mindless responses. Same lowlife language in labeling.

I wonder if you also harbor the same perverse sexual proclivities as my republican xian father-in-law? Funny thing it is, reading people's posts and poking them just a bit to see how they react. You didn't surprise me one bit, Killer.

Thanks for playing, moron. You may now go back to blowing keslick's every post.

Peace, Love and Dope Charlie

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So answer the question, do you still beat your wife? What do you mean by strip? What do you mean by cutting? What do you mean by the "dark under belly" of forestry? Please keep your responses concise. And if you die, who would care? Come on potty mouth. What do you have for us?

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You need to stay off your home grown pharmaceuticals, your asking me for answers that you should be providing, since you brought them up, doper. You abysmal lack of forestry, environmental, and nature is typical of the nets attraction to wannabe's. Your failure to answer is typical as well, doper.

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Don Staples

Does that mean you are through, ass hole?

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Don Staples

What is this fascination with home grown pharmaceuticals, as you call them? You seem obsessed. At least you cleaned up your language, thanks. You shouldn't need me to look up the definitions for "strip" and "cutting" for you. "Dark under belly" IIRC your melancholy description of yourself, so I leave the definition to you. I have an abysmal lack of forestry, environmental, and nature? What are you trying to say? I wanna be what? Like you? God forbid! Then it is back to your fascination with drugs. Are you a consulting expert in this field, or does god just talk to you directly? Where in your response is there the slightest bit of authority supported information? What set you down this road when all I did was ask a simple question of Dave? Got it? Dave, not you. You just going to stand there in your muddy boots and glare?

Are you a Forest Stewardship Council registered forester?

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You used the term "strip cutting" a term I never heard anyone in the business use, so, from your fertile imagination, what is it? I know hard questions like that take a lot out of your revelries, but give it a try.

Oh, least you think all is love and kisses, f*ck off, doper.

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Don Staples

Since you seem to be too weighed down with scatological baggage to look figure it out, strip cutting would be to remove (strip) by cutting. How is your little brain? That wasn't too much at once for our little "muddy booted dirty underbelly" was it? Be sure to take them off before you go into your halls of ivory or it will eventually look like any other pig sty. Oh, little guy, talking dirty doesn't make you manly. It just exposes you for the ignorant, insensitive jerk that you are. Just another mean/maudlin drunk.

From: "D. Staples" Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 20:58:40 -0500 Local: Mon, Jun 25 2007 6:58 pm Subject: Re: alt.forestry

Don: Ah, but Joe, we are merely the dirty underbelly of the profession, the one's that actually get mud on our boots, what could we collectively know about the profession of forestry. We don't get the strokes, the diamond studded collars, or the "Forester of the Year" awards. All we do is grow trees and manage forests. This site represents the real world of forestry. The archivists will call us a cult, or untermenchen, of the real forestry world recorded in the great Halls of Ivory.

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Heh heh.....aint' that the truth.

Yet....superstition, religion, science and all all comes down to one unanswerable question....and that is....from whence came matter? There is no reason that there should be *anything*, eh? From whence comes anything? There is no logically explainable anything that explains this. Meant to drive us crazy and kill one another, I suppose.

Perhaps Alan Watts was right. Maybe we are simply god playing hide and seek with himself.

Did you ever have occasion to cross with him?

Sheet mon, sounds like you be dresson' like one o' them hippie farmer types. Bet you even wear them hippie sandals, eh brother! ;-)

It was a hot bitch here in the flatlands today...97F and 60% humid.....I;ve been out doing the garden by headlamp, avoiding the heat. Had to water most of the pots (that is containers, as in container gardening, Dumbass Staples, not watering the *dope*) three times today. Counted them and we have 72 containers.

Oh baby...eggs in butter simply don't get no better!!!

Speaking of newspapers, The KC Star just discontinued delivery to our area and laid off a shitload of employees. Speaks for itself. Des Moines no longer brings down either and talk is that Omaha is considering.

Assuming the peeper is doing as expected and the kitchen color is now proper. Whadda ya' think....are ye as handsome as you last remember? And I bet Lovey is even Lovlier......

Ain't nothing better than the morning paper, a proper cup of coffee from a copper coffee pot, and eggs done in butter....after a wine-filled-hookah appetizer, of course. Poor old republican staples is wound too tight.

Amen Bruddah... ;-)

Peace, Love and Don Staples Charlie

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Ah, good to see you up and around junger. Miss yo crusty ol' ass.

Oh, I know there is a lot of bad things goin' on at every second but O try to think about the sweetness, and the happiness, and the tenderness that is happening as I wake up, have lunch, and while I sleep. We got to get rid of that crap, and you know who is at the head of my list.

No, but I had one of his classmates for a philosophy instructor, lo these many years ago, Pierre Grimes. He was a gooden too.

Birkenstocks? I'm in California man, what do you expect me to be wearing? I'm still of the opinion that clothes are optional. If people don't like what they see, they shouldn't look.

I did three waterings (well one watering and two mistings) today. Wicked heat, the little plants can't take it.

Then I fold in a little onion, jalapeno, tomato, cilantro, kalamata olives, a slice of cheedar, a little smoked pig or turkey, and some of Mrs. Renfro's green salsa inside and out with some toasted french bread on the side, and serve it up with a glass of Two Buck Chuck and call it brunch (I dump way too much glycogen in the morning to do it any earlier). Then with any luck I garden. If not, I get a much deserved nap.

I almost wish that the local fish wrap would fold (NY Times subsidiary: The Press Democrat). It is strictly infotainment and doesn't explain or put into context any thing. If anything, it is trying to undermine our local Representative (Lynn Woolsey) who is doing a damn good job. This area is very liberal but at least half the letters to the editor are nut case conservatives. Not conservatives, I repeat, nut case conservatives who would rather cut off medical and cost of living benefits to the old, the sick, and the young than talk about raising taxes. This while insisting that people who keep their yachts out of the country for three months after buying them, should be charged less than standard sales tax. Scharzenegger is a jerk. He is no better than "Gray" Davis, the jerk he replaced.

Wines start out fruity, which they lose with age but in the process develop a more complex bouquet. I was having trouble with my sight. My taste has always been good. And you know, I know she has gotten older but I still see the girl I fell in love with.

Well, at least I'm out of bed by 7 AM most days. T'was a time it was more like noon and all my appetites were satiated. Every age is different.

and Halleluja . . .;o))

Ah yes, the eternal dualism. Can't have an up without the down.

Good talkin' with you junger.

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Not likely, dope.


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Ignore this fool

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Hey thanks, Bruddah....comin' up for air after a bit too long in the sewers.

Yeah, and Numero Uno has something to say to you about that...

formatting link
> >Two hundred years from now, if there is anybody left, they'll look back

"Goin' to San Bernadino, ring-a-ding-ding..."

Same Pierre Grimes that is doing the Spiritual Midwifery thing? You ran with some enlightened folks, bro, indeed you did. Degrees of seperation and all that and I can make claim now to Alan Watts in just a couple. ;-)

I too been wearing Birkies for many years and I be a flatlander...y'all can't lay sole claim to all that shit, bro.

Ma Renfro's Green is good stuff indeed. We've started our summer frittatas. GO out and grab whatever sounds right and saute it, in butter of course, toss in the eggies and then head for the oven....heaven, heaven.....

Speaking of jalepenos.....ours are bearing like crazy. They started out several weeks ago being kinda pussy peppers, but todays handful with lunch brought on the sweat. Perhaps it is the tea?

Fish peppers are starting to produce. Now then, these are some fiesty little capsicums about the size your thumbnail... little more heat than the tabascos and definitely enough to elicit a sweat. Great flavor. THese should be great processed in vinegar and set in the fridge.

I know, my friend. My Love and I started when I was a mere thirteen years old and now, here we are, after all these many years....

Indeed. :-)

Immer Frieden und Liebe zu dir, mein älterer Bruder


"You just caught me on a good night. I'm doing what I was made to do - and I've got a feeling I'm going to do it even better this time" - Captain Billy Tyne

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I think we have given this foul-mouthed, muddy booted, dark-under belly of a pretentious untermench too much space. Let's go back to the sunshine.

106F here yesterday. Emilie, up in our northern outpost of civilization here in California, beat me out at 109F. Temp is miserable for people but my mature tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers are loving it. I can practically watch the tomatoes turning red. My fringe pink (dianthus superbus) is in bloom and adds some color to the green of the hedges and ivy. I think I need more bio-mass before I start experimenting with it. The twig of an English hawthorn that I got last year is about three feet high and has four main branches. Hopefully, I can start harvesting it next year. The raccoon that ravaged the cabbage and the lettuce, seems to have moved on. No further incidents since I started relieving myself in his dining area.

Talk later. Time to button up the house again.

Shields up!

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