
part of my garden is being overtaken by buttercups tried digging the

out but they just reappear anything i can use to get rid of the permanently thnx in advance for any hel

-- eddyjack

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The message from eddyjack contains these words:

The way you wrote that post suggests you don't pay much attention to detail and are a bit sloppy. Now go back and dig out those buttercups again, this time take out every single little teensy bit, above and below ground. If you miss a few bits, they'll be up again in a week so go back, check, and get them out.


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Janet Baraclough

Buttercups also like it pretty wet are you watering a lot?

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What, getting lessons from Cereus VainGlorious perhaps?

Fingers work better at yankng out fresh tender shoots.

Keep at it and the roots ought to eventually starve and die.

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Leon Trollski

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