Lemon Tress

Me and my mum palnted a lemon pip a while ago. It has now grown to a fair size (about 2-3 feet). We are now unsure of what to do with it, e.g. does it need pruning, feeding, flowering, pollinating, etc.

Could anyone please give me a few hints and tips on the tree and its care.

Thanks a lot :)

-- Kirkyboy

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All citrus trees are heavy feeders - you can probably get citrus food. If not, rose food might do. But you shouldn't prune or feed just before winter, unless, perhaps, you have it in a heated greenhouse.

Don't expect to get lemons exactly like the lemon you got the pip from - citrus trees are usually propagated vegetatively.

But you'll have fun growing it anyway.



  • * * Marj Tiefert:
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    Mediterranean Garden Shop:
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    Sunset zone 14-mild
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M. Tiefert

Where do you live?

Is it in a pot indoors, in the ground....

Pruning is usually optional and minimal for citrus. They are unusual in that they store most of their calories in their leaves rather than their roots, so pruning robs the plant of more energy than usual.

They get dehydrated from wind easily, so you'll need to shelter it.

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Ben Sharvy

The tree is currently in quite a large pot in my conservatory. So it is well shelted but also gets the heat well on hot days. I live in central England.

Thanks for your help

-- Kirkyboy

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