Re: Mystery Building - Need Help Identify Type of Facility?

Here's my wildazzed guess.

The larger bldg in lower right is a gymnasium type building. The half gazebo is a sports bar area for smoothies, power bars, etc. the hall way has room for the Stairmaster,lifecycles,etc with a glass wall looking out into the mountains The smaller bldg in top left would be the office/daycare ctr, maybe an aerobic area.

Did I win?

Does anyone know what type of structure this is or what kind of facilities > it might have been designed to house? > >
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"Matt Story" wrote in news:

The level of detail isn't good enough to be calle "inadequate", so it's either a blow-up from a commercial landsat-type satellite photo (such as the ones that can be viewed via MapQuest), or an amateur photo taken from a plane. IOW a crappy image that reveals little. Also, your Q. is curious/strange - why are you asking? Isn't the image, or at least the location of the photo, identified?

The "black ribbon" looks like solar panels, because of the coloration where the shine is apparent. The soil (as seen between the green and the slightly-greenish grey masses of dried vegetation) looks sandy, which would help ID possible locales of you had a soil map of the area.

Given the one area where the roof is rounded, one might reasonably posit that it's some sort of public structure - either a community center, or public pool with other facilities. IOW, I would guess it was not a storage depot - too many inefficiencies, the design isn't right; storage buildings are usually as simple and inexpensive as possible. Also, in the upper right, the trees are planted in a grid pattern, which also might indicate more planning and attention than is usually paid to storage buildings. Then there is the fact that there's more road going further up the hill (hill suggested by the layout of the roads and the relative sizes from one area of the image to the other, the way the lower-right shadow of the building is distorted, and by the shadow at the road's curve - to the lower right - of the larger-looking bit of road, that itself is to the lower right of the image).

There is a lot lof "open space", though nothing is apparent that suggests barricades or concrete posts, so it's obviously not a secured facility. There are also no other buildings close to it, so it wouldn't appear to be in a business park off-hand, but a much wider shot would be necessary to say for sure. OTOH, There is only the one car, and given the lighting, it looks as though it's still a time of day where, if it was a business, people should be at work. So it's either a facility with limted hours, or one that closes for at least one day a week, or gets nearly no traffic. It doesn't seem to be situated in a way, or place, or even have the landscaping, that'd suggest to me a typical business structure. The building doesn't look like a manufacturing facility. I also would not think that it's a school.

There don't seem to be any indicators that it's a church/religious complex.

So it might be a public activity center, but it might be a Parks facility - one of theose Nature/Demonstration areas that get put near the entrance to large state or national parks. But the large arraay of solar panels seems to be a bit extravagant for that.

There are some large trees, and given the soil and the dried appearance of the lower vegetation, I'd think that Live Oaks are a possibility, so that'd further narrow-down the location if you had the range of the trees.

There are also a couple of different and very open access points, which would suggest the possibility of a lot of traffic coming and going, at least sometimes. The location suggests intentionally high visibility.

So I'd overall guess a public activities facility, a community center type of thing.

Of course, it'd be easier to tell something useful if there was more detail, and more view of the surrounding landscape.

- Kris

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Kris Krieger

Consider the posibility of the ribbon being tarp weighted down with stones over a hill cut or berm.

Some context would be nice. The google url would help. Be any of that as it may, it's kinda hard to guess.

Parking seems inadequate, no?

Anyway, I'm sure it's a bomb shelter for the Illuminati.


It does remind me of a buddhist monastery.

I was thinking So. Cal., so we're good on that.

Suspect the OP knows exactly where it is.

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"gruhn" wrote in news:dytHe.43$

I thought of solar panels because it seemed so shiny and the specularity seemed so blue-ish. All just a guess, of course ;)

Yup, one can guess only so much from any aireal photo without some sort of context, usually knowledge of the site's location and some sort of history, photos taken at differnt times of day and night. Photointerpretation is almost always done in context - time, thermal imaging if available, what sorts of vehicles are coming and going, and when, and how long they linger there, what are people wearing as they go in and out (white lab coats?, work uniforms?, military wear?, business wear?), and so on, and on. One has to observe both human activity, and natural effects (changes of light, any movements of animals, wind effects, and so on - example, if one sees clowing soil, and this coincides with odd shadows on the structure that might indicate it's just an elaborate tent intended to deceive).

For all we know, the building could be nothing more than a camoflaged plywood mock-up intended to look like what it isn't (i.e. innocent). Additional visual and, where possible, factual, info (such as reports from observers on the gorund) is needed to say much at all about any such photo.

Hard to say. It depends upon whether all that open space is concrete marked with white parking lines. Then again, a *lot* of public places have illogically-arranged AND inadequate parking, so that's not necessarily an eliminator...if anything, it might make one think even more that it could be a public facility

It's certainly not unheard-of that a mock-up or, perhaps more typically, a sturdy and permanent, yet still fake, "facility" (that won't blow down in the wind and even house some sort of co-located sideline gov.t activity, since a perpetually-inactive structure is also suspect) would be built over an access to such a shelter. Or, for that matter, built to camoflage any number of other types of secret/secure facilities. That's why context/history is necessary ;) .

That could be possible, although the half-circle roof in the one place looks out of place, and I'd expect to see at least a few additional tell- tale things - for one, don't Buddhist facilities usually have walls around them, to separate the peace of the monestary from the hurly-burly of the world? I also have the impression that stairs are also involved, for a similar reason. OTOH the site itself might be sufficient for that... OTOH I'd also expect to see some sort of meditation area. I don't see anything that strikes me as being such.

Not that any of that is at all absolute of course ;)

One would suppose... It's certainly a weird-enough question. I think someone is just trying to be cute and put this here as a "test", and will come along later and say something like, "Haha, you're all wrong you dummies, it's actually a brothel".

- Kris

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Kris Krieger

Your analysis explores a great deal of possibilities and I think you're on the right track. The site does appear to be secured, look at more photos here...

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don't what this place is. I believe you're correct about the images being derived from SAT imagery. What about the big white doors entering below ground? Could the building be a giant Hydro Pump?

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Matt Story

Never ever ever use the width and height tags to create thumbnails.

Why not just tell us where it is?

33d57'21.87" N 117d47'35.59" W @ 1150'

Might be related to the tall towers (radio transmitter?) on nearby prominences.

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shows some large yellow road equip.

Seems a little distant to be related to the mine/quarry.

Hard to tell from their directions, but I'm pretty sure it isn't the Boy Scout camp.

It appears to be St. Joseph's Hill of Hope. A church.

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They appear to have an on site True Mystic.

I do.

_derived_ from? Not just "are"? Where did you get the pictures? Is there anything to make you think they weren't "derived from" an airplane mounted camera?

What big white doors entering below ground?

No. It's a building. Four walls and a boring roof.

Might there be a giant Hydro Pump inside the building? Suppose... but, half way up the side of a mountain... why? Would it be pumping what water from here to somewhere? Or would it be pumping some other water to where here?

Lovely location. Shame it's so close to LA, the air is probably crap.

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The main building is more like 1160', but let's not quibble.

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That church's web site doesn't mention an address, just a PO box. How do you know that's the place?

In any event, if that's a church (other than a front), I'll eat your hat as well as my own. I've never seen a site that was _less_ of a church...unless they worship the god of pavement and roadways.

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Make up you mind. Are you quibbling or quitting?

So go with the Boy Scout theory. It was a close second.

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