Giving Up Woodworking? Was "Jimmy Carter website.."

Hey guys,

IMHO, many will be surprised when their final destination is revealed. I'm hoping for the better but I know what I deserve. We are all just people, not gods(little g intentional).I can not say who is a Christian or who is not. Only you and your maker know where you stand. And even that may be wrong. I sometimes wonder if I really know where I stand.

A person's actions judge that person more than any amount of attention you give to those actions. OR, What a person does, speaks more directly of his character than anything that could possibly said about him.

We are ultimately responsible for what others think of us. If we promote the image of ourselves as a fool, then we will be perceived as such. A genius IQ commands no respect from a man who no-one understands or cares to listen to. Likewise a person whose condescending attitude and judgemental speaking habits are the mainstays of his personality, will have a hard time projecting a good Christian testimony.

Christianity, or any other religion is not enough to make you upright and wise in all other eyes. You have to live the part and lead by example. Just believing and labeling yourself is falling considerably short of the mark. Walking with your Lord is a task that many can't handle. I for one, fall behind and have a terrible time catching up. I don't believe that the mercy of God, whoever your God is, is enough to make any of us a judge, jury or executioner. We have to work out our own salvation. Not everyone else's.

Tom in KY, remembering some old Hank Williams songs, the general message is, what I'm doing ain't none of your business so go back to whatever you hypocrites do. In other words, he knew where he stood, and wasn't trying to cram his religion down anybody's throat like they were trying to do to him, all the while ignoring their own faults.

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Greg D.

By their actions - so shall you know them.

What you do to the least of mine - you do to me.

Be good to each other, lend a hand when you can and try to leave the place better than you found it. If you do these things, what comes next shouldn't worry you any.

charlie b

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charlie b

To quote Cecil Frances Alexander:

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful: The Lord God made them all.

If you believe that God made all things, he made those of all colors and regions. Not just those who agree with your particular brand of religion.

It may turn out that you ALL end up _very_ surprised...

Yadda, Yadda, IMHO, etc...

Greg G.

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Greg G

Be careful what you wish for.

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> For me, I skip heaven.

>> >> Could be. >> >> Walt Conner >> >Given the quality of the people I've met who EXPECT to be there, I'd skip >it, too.

I love woodworking as a hobby and the machines and tools I own. With these machines and tools I turn lumbers into functional things I need around the house. Beside woodworking, I also love sex (no offence please, in heaven naked and no sex permitted?), travel, music, books and other activities too numerous to mention. To give up all these activities and go to heaven doing nothing forever is just not worth it, especially living with liars and murders?

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Charles Bull

Leon is a smart man.

Tom Watson - WoodDorker tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (email)

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Tom Watson

Here on earth I choose to live by the Golden Rule helping anyone if I can without expecting anything in returns. I am absolutely certain don't want to go to heaven.

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Charles Bull

That's the GOLDEN RULE, wouldn't it be nice if everyone live by it?

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Charles Bull

On 12/29/2005 8:33 PM Charles Bull mumbled something about the following:

Heaven don't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over.

I know exactly where I'll end up when I die, in the ground.

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I was raised in a fairly religious family, had two aunts that were Nuns, and years ago had a conversation with the oldest aunt about heaven and hell, and the concept of "church" generally. A wise woman, and one of, if not the purest soul I have ever met (she took her vow of poverty literally - if you gave her a present within 48 hours she gave it away to someone who might need it) and never had a bad thing to say about anyone - she always looked for, and generally found, goodness in everyone.

Anyways, the conversation was sparked by an incident in my church where the choir director, VERY well thought of in the church, was a deacon, ran the youth group at church, taught religious instruction, always pious and god-blessing everyone he saw, local businessman, shaker and mover, etc., who was revealed to have been keeping several women on the side, including a 16 year old girl for whom he rented an apartment. Divorce ensued, business pressure led him to not pay his sales taxes (liquor store business), and he was shorting his employees on wages and overtime, etc. Quite a mess. I was young (15), and had looked up to the guy, and my faith was shaken. I asked Sister what I should make of this, and she told me the following:

She said that I should not pay much attention to what "leaders" of religion say, or do. They are human, with human frailties, and over time there are very, very few among us that live a consistently upstanding life. She said that all organized religions existed to create a belief system that was culturally consistent with where it was located and that most of these organizations were primarily concerned with increasing attendance and building more churches, so there could be more priests and monseignors and bishops and deacons and choir directors; and that there was too little emphasis upon helping those who are truly in need, which should be the whole point of religion, e.g., folks should organize to do helpful things for their fellow man, not to put on displays, ceremonies and pagents that have the goal of showing everyone else how good and pious they are, or how successful their particular brand of religion is, or how many people belong to their church, etc. She told me not to pay too much attention to what religious leaders told me to do, but to look for goodness in people, and to try and help those who needed the help I could provide - and to give that help with kindness without looking for something in return.

Well, that sounded to me like the golden rule, and pretty much since that discussion that's what I tried to do. I also don't pay much attention to any organized religion, and their myths about heaven, hell, nirvana, reincarnation, be they the myths born of the christian, muslim, jewish, hindi, or whatever faith. I also get a little annoyed when those who think they KNOW start telling me if I don't accept [fill in the blank] as my personal god, savior, or whatever I'll be doomed to the worst myth they believe in. As far as such people are concerned, they can go to heaven, hell, or wherever, as I'm simply not buying the rubbish they are selling.

Now, its entirely possible there is a supreme being. That being said, the question is which of the organized religions have gotten it right and are serving the "correct" being? And even if they are, will this supreme being be really, really happy with some of the things they are saying and doing in his/her name? Somehow, I don't think so. So I take the view that the supreme being has a sense of time, space and perspective, and that he or she will use that understanding to recognize that if folks just try and live their life without cheating, killing, robbing and abusing their fellow man, and use their talents to try and help those around them improve their lives, one will be judged fairly at the final roundup. So that's what I've been doing for the last 38 years, and I sleep real good every night. And if I'm wrong, well I'm sure there will be lots of suffering in hell that I can help folks out with.


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On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 21:02:35 +0000, Charles Bull wrote: To give up all these activities and go to heaven

What on earth makes you think that liars and murderers are going anyplace, much less heaven?


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W Canaday

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