NEC for dummies

How do you get a job as an "Affirmative Action proof reader"?

What's the pay scale?

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DerbyDad03 wrote the following:

Same as a more intelligent, experienced worker.

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Well, yeah. Those go to ability, merit, talent; all qualities of elitism which is what affirmative action is meant to overcome.

Here's a simple question illustrating the pervasiveness of affirmative action: What percentage of the population of London is African-American? (answer below)

Virtually zero. Blacks in London would be called (by Americans) "African-Anglos." The British have a word for blacks, but I don't know what it is.

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Are fluent in Ebonics?

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I borrowed an older version of this book

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when I bought my house and I found it helpful. However, make sure you are referencing the correct code against which you will be inspected (likely either 2005 or 2008.) I never bought a more recent copy now that the NEC is online. Might also want to see if your library has a copy.


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Nate Nagel

Yeah, overcome ability, merit, talent, experience, and expertise. Who would you like to have perform heart surgery on you: A black surgeon who attained his degree under the same conditions as a white doctor, or one who got his degree because of affirmative action?

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While I agree that affirmative action, especially when race-based, sucks ass (I might even lean left far enough to admit for economically based AA) I seriously doubt that any medical school will grant a degree to an unqualified person. AA just gets you admitted, you still have to prove that you can do the work.

Of course, if *I* am having major surgery, I don't want just "qualified," I want the freaking Rembrandt of surgeons...


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Nate Nagel

Then you just missed Dr. Fletcher Johnson, a cardiologist at Nyack Hospital (NY), a 6'5" black man whose hands were too big to get both in a chest cavity, so he practiced tying sutures with the fingers on one hand. Sadly, he died..

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Who said anything about race? What a maroon. I doubt you can define racism. You assume that all dumb asses are persons of color, you're the bigot.


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The Daring Dufas

When I went through a course to get my broadcast engineering license over 30 years ago, there was one female in the class. She knew nothing about electronics and had no practical experience in the field at all. Me and the other guys had been working in the field of electronics for some years and took the course so we could breeze through the FCC exam. The gal in the class learned the answers by rote and passed the test therefore getting herself a first class ticket from The FCC. She was immediately hired by a radio station because she was female, a WHITE female. Those of you who think Affirmative Action applies only to Negro Americans are the real bigots. Like one of my darker cousins once remarked: "Hell, dey be stupid white folks too." This Affirmative Action diversity male bovine droppings nonsense reminds me of the handicap parking spaces at the front door of the ladder supply house. We had a blind judge in the county court system who was atrocious, he was a total idiot who would often fall asleep during court. He was WHITE! I don't think his stellar performance in the legal field is what got him his appointment as a judge.


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The Daring Dufas

The real answer depends on what version of the code your jurisdiction is on and whether your AHJ has amended it (like deleting the AFCI rules)

In 2008 that is "dwelling unit family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, recreation rooms, closets, hallways, or similar rooms or areas"

Not in 2008, all exceptions are gone but a burglar alarm.


In 2008 " All 120-volt, single phase, 15- and 20-ampere branch circuits supplying outlets" (serving the locations above) Lighting is an "outlet"

Alas That is true in far too many places.

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A freezer is part of my burglar alarm :-)

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Joey H L

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