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Rototilling vs no-till?
I have a heavy clay soil and have been rototilling ever since I was a kid, but now I wonder how that fits in with modern "no-till" ideas. I did create a small trial plot where I applied a huge amount...
Lotty Life
Hello all, Ive just been allocated an allottment from my local council and am busy now prepairing the ground to plant quetion is what to plant or put in now? Here is a list of the things i would like...
Salad Leaves
I'm trying to grow some rocket in some tubs indoors but they seem to be doing quite poorly. The seeds sprout, grow a bit then just seem to wither(?) Im I under/over watering? Should they be outdoors?...
It's Peas!!
Picked peas today! Yay! Little Marvel, 133 of them planted 2/1. If it's peas today, can green beans be far behind? Oh, and the Red Creole onions are bulbing very nicely. Last year's got a late start...
Yesterday I planted some more seeds in the greenhouse. Looked all over for the Burpee Golden Zucchini I bought last August. Not found. Today we were out and about so stopped at a couple of stores and...
Bumpy Tomato Seedlings, why?
Help! My tomato plant looks healthy and seems to be growing well but the stem is covered in little purple wart-like bumps, what are they? should i worry? I'm fairly new to gardening and would...
need "Mammoth Red" rhubarb
Other than the description that it grows up to 5 feet tall and has red stalks, I haven't been able to find a source for "Mammoth Red" rhubarb plants anywhere. I'm wondering if it has essentially gone...
more pics
while i'm testing out some different programs/setups, seeing how things look, work, ... i figured i might as well put some real pictures up. no text/descriptions yet. pictures last year from the roof:...
Quick question
When harvesting seeds from fresh veggies (bell and jalapeno peppers, in this case), how long do I need to dry the seeds before planting?
Blueberry Bushes
I bought a blueberry bush this weekend and intend to buy at least one more as I've read that you need at least two for polination and therefore a better yield. I have however read on a couple of...
peach tree blooms and frosts
i'm not a fruit tree grower. a friend asked me if a peach tree is in bloom how long it would take for it to pollinate (assuming bees are around, etc.) and if a frost would destroy the developing...
DH picked the first 3 spears of asparagus today. I got to eat all three raw. They were nice and crunchy. The fact that it has been (and still is) raining for the last couple of days probably helped...
Tomatos By ring culture
Hello everyone. I'm new to gardening and would like some advice, I'd like to grow tomatos by ring culture, by greehouse has a concret floor and I've read that if I fill the area with builders ballas...
Need help with my son's apple tree
My son planted some seeds when he was in kindergarten and he grew this tree in the house for a few years. Now when we decided to plant it outside, I discovered we should have been a little more...
Transplanting my seedlings
I have transplanted most of the seedlings that I started earlier. Today I did 64 mostly tomato plants. Since I usually manage to get them mixed up I adapted the method that someone here described a...