Bees CCD and the end of society as we know it

The heart is a rose, and the fragrance draws the life we need.

As it was in the beginning my life, when I was the honeybee and You were my apple tree For then, it was the fragrance of Your heart that drew me to You Remember, we let the seaswells rise in the air We let the mountains crumble, we did not care Whatever happened I was the honeybee and You were my apple tree I was Your Prince, Your Wizard, Your lion of Judah Anything You desired, I brought it to You DNATREE

Starting in 1993 a great passion to Reach You led me to write a book called "Wild hearted Romance with Spirit" it was about the smallest of points overlooked by "thinking" and how the JOLT of the Storms and Tsunami's would be coming. Read the adventures of how I left florida in 2001 to go to California in order to do the project with the coming Storms in order to reach family and my daughter Raine that misunderstood the true intentions of my heart related to Synchronicities (meaningful coincidences)

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right people love their interpretation more than they love each other and will demand You worship that interpretation. The smallest of points they overlooked will soon alter the largest of equations and render all the interpretations meaningless.

Let go of the veil of interpretation given You by those that never knew me (Jesus, the heart, synchronicity) For they never knew the true intentions of their hearts.

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Please take your wacko religion elsewhere, this is about growing edibles.


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David Hare-Scott

May yo' colony collapse, and you know the lawd's mite.

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Since this is a group about edibles and it is plane that You did not read what is really going on our site let me just say when all is said and done "YOU WILL EAT THOSE WORDS".

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Let's see, Rev. Gantry is it? Let me just call you Elmer. Well Elmer, the following problems were found in your post, wrong word (plain), missing commas, miss-capitalized pronoun, absent conjunction, misused quotation mark. Your god may be omnipotent and omnipresent but clearly has trouble with omniscience as s/he instructed you poorly in English. That's not really very reassuring in a god. Read "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" to gain a grasp of punctuation.

Secondly, this is not "our site" it is a site dedicated to edible gardening and common courtesy would require you to adhere to its' stated purpose, as pointed out by David above. Now if you have a special ritual, offering, or prayer that is effective for root crops, salads, or fruits, that would seem to be acceptable.

Thirdly, you infer that your revelation is superior to our revelations (I presume we each already have our own.). I find this assertion of your's patronizing and repugnant. First, give yourself up to a lifetime of pleasure and debauchery, and then come back and tell me what you think of my revelation.

Fourthly, I suspect that you may be one of those attention deprived, "End of Time", Bush (source of all Evil in our time) supporting wackos, that want to kill all of us in order to prove that you're right. With that in mind, you should seal yourself in a cave and we will tell you when it is safe to come out.

Ostentatious piety has no place here.

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How is Your BOND with Your mother? Don't answer as I will never post here again.

Well I am leaving this struggle as You began to attach as soon as I posted and bees are the END of many edibles.

But let me just agree with You first.

Let's see,,, here we go

Bush & Cheney, Behind Bars

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OOPS "attack" not attach but You knew that and are looking for the nat in my eye while overlooking the beam in Your own.

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Not good. She is dead.

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But, they will be resurrected, right? I mean, the good ones?

Personally, I'm allergic to Jaysus.

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Promise duly noted. Thankyou.


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David Hare-Scott

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