OT performing rights society

So you're quite happy to work for free?

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Of course!


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You're coming across as a bit of a copyright maximalist here.

FWIW, do you believe in the concept of fair use? Should there be a balance between the rights demanded by artists and the payments made to them and the rights of everyone else? Is it easy to draw the line here? Is it a good thing sometimes for culture as a whole when works pass into the public domain?

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On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 12:44:53 +0000 someone who may be Bruce wrote this:-

Yawn. You can make that assertion as often as you like, but so far I haven't seen anybody in the thread saying that. If distorting what others have typed is the best argument that you can muster then people will draw their own conclusions.

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David Hansen

Well I remember it was being discussed in the mid 80's - exactly the same situation, a workshop with a radio blaring out.

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Q.E.D. again. You still don't get it.

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Bob Eager

Which bit of "it's already paid for by the radio station" did you miss?

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Clive George

No its not .. it seems that PRS is becoming desperate in being unable to do anything about file sharing which is what they might want to look at.

Silly buggers argument all the same. So a few people hanging around a garage waiting the have their car services or tyres changed is now a matter for contention. This isn't the same as a pub with the TV on where such events are paid for and indeed advertised or the radio that may be in a supermarket for which they invariably have their own stations..

Even more silly when you think of all the efforts they make to get "radioplay" to expose their product in the first place!..

Some real arse abut tit thinking going on somewhere;!..

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tony sayer

And those with iplayer transmitters too;)..

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tony sayer

Can you see there's a difference between each person having their own radio on loud enough for them to hear (personal listening) and a single radio stuck on a shelf with the volume turned up so that everyone in the room can hear (performance)?

Give them a chance! They've only just started on garages and workshops that make your life a misery with having the radio on too loud. :-)

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Which bit of "only for personal use" do you choose not to understand?

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Thank you.

In this case, no, I don't.

Yes, exactly as defined by the law.

I have no difficulty, because I regard an intent to steal copyright material as being just as reprehensible as an intent to steal anything else.

Yes, the law provides for that after a period of time has elapsed.

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Have you considered adult literacy classes?

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Hey, I'm not the one who claims that listening to something which has already been paid for is the same as getting work for free. If the radio station wasn't paying their PRS levies, you may have a point, but since they are, you're talking crap.

The rules you prefer create a distinction where there ought to be none, and we can illustrate that distinction very easily with the walkman example given earlier. The rules are wrong.

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Clive George

Then does every business need a PRS license in your view?

I think your use of the word "steal" is wrong here, and inflammatory. I wouldn't "steal" your clothes by dressing the same as you.

Certainly people can infringe copyright, they can share music without paying the record company, but you can't steal a copy.

I presume you are aware of the recent efforts of the recording industry to extend copyright to 95 years? Should artists really be demanding further concessions to further their "rights"?

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We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember "Arfa Daily" saying something like:

I am not Drivel, nor do I play one on TV, but I noticed this the other day. Large chains like Tesco have cut right back to almost zero on playing copyrighted music in their stores, falling back on bingly-bongly muzak or royalty-free stuff made by unknowns. The staggering amount Tesco, to take one example, were paying per annum is doubtless noticed quite severely by the PRS and others involved, so they're now chasing up all the small guys who had got away with it un-noticed until now. I know that the Irish PRS were relieving Tesco of 100K p/a for 88 stores, so scale that up for the UK stores - I'd not be surprised if it reaches a couple of million.

formatting link
stores in the UK.

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Grimly Curmudgeon

We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember Bruce saying something like:

Fuck off, Bruce.

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Grimly Curmudgeon

On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 15:40:54 +0000 someone who may be Bruce wrote this:-

I see. So there is a difference between someone listening to the radio on their own and listening to the radio with a friend. Fascinating.

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David Hansen

We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember Bruce saying something like:

Fuck off, Bruce.

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Grimly Curmudgeon

On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 18:10:33 +0000 someone who may be Bruce wrote this:-

Good to see that is the best you can do.

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David Hansen

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