Vent or Faux Vent?

For our new construction, we're adding a semi-circle ornament to the gable on the front of our garage. It's a white, vinyl, semi-circle ornament that looks like a vent. But it will definitely *not* be a vent. I've been told that a vent there is not necessary as our garage has a ridge vent along the entire length of the roof ridge, and that an extra vent where the ornament will be located will not help and may only cause complications. So, since it will not be a true vent, my question is this: Should we be careful to use a faux vent ornament that *looks* like a vent but is solid vinyl with no openings to allow moisture behind it? Or is it okay to use an ordinary ornamental vent and just not have a hole in the wall behind it?

The reason I ask is because our builder has in stock ornamental vents that are true vents. They use them whether a true vent is called for or also when the ornamental vent is just for decoration. They do not have faux vents in stock. So they are inclined to just use one of these true vents, but not actually use it s a vent. So behind the vinyl vent, there would be sheathing and Tyvek. The vent itself includes the white vinyl ornamental vent and a screen on the back, much like a window screen.

I know the Tyvek will resist moisture when there is a blowing or driving rain that causes water to enter the ornamental vent, but is it wise to use a vent in a case like this? Isn't it just kind of asking for water issues? Plus junk could get stuck in the vent holes, or even bats or hornets/wasps nesting, etc. What do you guys think about this?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

- John

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Free advice - cancel your internet service and give away your computer. You don't need either.

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Does anyone have an opinion on this? ...vent or faux vent?

Thanks, John

Sasquatch wrote:

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if its installed & flashed correctly it really shouldn't matter. if it would make you feel any better, have them place aluminum between the vent & tyvek

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Since it is not a vent, think of it as a piece of trim like other trim. TB

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If the soffit vents and ridge vent are properly balanced, you shouldn't add any kind of attic venting. Gable venting may upset the airflow pattern.

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Thanks for the input, everyone! Sounds like it will be okay as is. I like the idea about putting a half circle of flat aluminum that matches the shape of the ornament directly behind the ornament with caulk. That should do it. Water can still enter the vent slits and pool up, but it will be negligible.

Thanks, John

J> > For our new construction, we're adding a semi-circle ornament to the

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Oh yeah. That should work - rely on some caulk in an inaccessible location so you can't even inspect it. You're afraid of heights, remember?

I hope you're in the house for a good long time so your decisions come home to roost where they should, instead of fobbing it off on some unsuspecting buyer.

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