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There are a few in the NFA registry but the people who have them don't seem to be selling and they will cost as much as a nice new car.

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Which does not seem to be a problem for most "Americans". I see documentaries lamenting how "illegal immigrants" cannot afford to eat good food, as the prices are too high.

Doesn't seem to stop them from affording a $35,000 SUV to lug their poor family around. Howzat work?

I know it's jes a bogus documentary, but I see it reflected in fact, far too often. 8|


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I am sure I see more illegals here than you do and they are usually 16 packed into a 20 year old van going to work somewhere. They will be doing a job you are not going to talk an American into to doing, like digging trenches in the Florida sun.

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That's their communal work vehicle. What are they actually driving? Most have newer cars than myself.

You know spit. When I got outta the service, my first real job was digging ditches in the 112°F CA sun. My last real job was as a dishwasher/foodprep guy at age 61. Why. We got no Mexicans!

We have, at most, a handful o' Mexicans. Not even enough to warrant a Home Depot. ;)


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Trust me, that is their car here. We do not have much of a welfare system. You must still be in California or some other blue state

You are old. Try to get one of the snow flakes we have today to do any job they can't do on their phone, in the air conditioning.

Then you have no real knowledge. We have plenty here and most of them work hard.

I never see Mexicans at the home depot. The contractors hire them all.

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My cop buddies say white people sell pot and cocaine. Black people sell crack and heroin. Bikers and rednecks sell meth as a general rule. I am not near a gangster city so I can't speak to that area.

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Tell us what town & state your in and I'll tell some of my thousands of Mexican neighbors there's prime job openings where you are, and the social security system is barely used and bulging with money.

Around here when weather is bad they have to announce social security office closings on the radio so Mexicans won't waste a trip.

During a blizzard one year the Mexican radio station announced, The welfare office is closed today, because of the weather.

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cowabunga dude

The people I am talking about work. This is not a sanctuary state and if they do not have a pretty good set of phony papers (or a valid green card), they won't get much of anything. You can say a lot of bad things about Obama but if you are not in a sanctuary, his ICE has done a pretty good job of chasing the illegals away. If you live in California or one of those other states that turn a blind eye to illegals, YMMV

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Not surprisingly, the major corporations that are hiring "illegal immegrants" do not hafta wait fer a day when the govt office is open. Their banks accepts all subsidy payments from the govt at any time.


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I can't speak for the socialist states but it is pretty hard for any company that pays taxes to hire an illegal these days in Florida. ICE has partnered with the IRS to track down these ghost workers. You will get a couple of ICE agents standing in your office with a list of names that have bogus papers and if you are simply hiring people off the books, it will be the IRS who shows up. This is not conjecture, it is what has happened to several people I know in business. If the employer has done his due diligence, has the properly filled out I-9 and used E-verify, he is off the hook but the illegal worker is out of there. Obama has actually been better at that than Bush 1&2 or Clinton. The law dates back to Reagan tho. In the past the IRS used to just send a letter but it said in bold caps "DO NOT USE THIS AS GROUNDS TO TERMINATE THE EMPLOYEE" (or words to that effect). They knew they were collecting FICA taxes for an employee who would never be able to collect SS.

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Yeah, and Tyson, the largest "illegal" employer in the nation will call ICE ina heartbeat to deport ppl that have been in the US --and working fer Tyson-- fer decades. Their crime? They tried to unionize.

Last I heard, Tyson pays zero income tax. In my opinion, they are dirtbags.


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