Sprinkler problem

I have a sprinkler system that pulls water from my lake. It appears where the pump and the pvc meet (output) theres a leak. I pulled the pipe somewhat to straighten it out and the system started working.

I have tried to draw the diagram below. The leak is just above the P and its cemented with PVC cement. What is the easiest way to fix this? can i just apply more cement? if not, what is the easiest way to take it apart?

ski snipped-for-privacy@yahoo.com


|-------------| | | (from lake)---->PUMP \/ (into ground)

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Mark Kopple
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if its PVC pipe and not "black plastic pipe with hose clamps" then you will have to cut out the bad section and splice in a new section of pipe. Do that properly with a decent pvc primer, pvc cement, and clean pipe and fittings or you'll have to start over shortly. (ie dont take shortcuts here, you'll regret it) If its the black plastic stuff, undo the hose clamps and pull it apart (warming it up to about 100-120F will make it come apart easier.) cut off the bad section and if it will reach put it back together, if it wont reach cut some more off and get a coupler insert to splice in a new piece to make it reach. Use good, screw type hose clamps. Eric

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