How long will it take to compost?

I have started a compost pile to use on my garden next year. The pile has been in place for several months now, but nothing is happening. Here is what I have in it: Plastic milk jugs, lava rocks, concrete cinders, several pairs of old boots, a deer that was killed by a car, and a couple of bags of household garbage. So far my pile looks nothing like the bags of compost I can buy at garden stores. Whats the secret to it? Also, how are you supposed to keep the odor down when composting animals? My neighbors are really getting angry at me.

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There must be a news group for terrible jokes somewhere. Or maybe you should write for Leno!

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Hehe, I suggest you bring the whole lot indoors. Maybe ask some of you neighbours to join in and throw some of their stuff on top of the pile Stand around the heap looking at it and drinking beer might help too

-- dotCompost

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"DBB" wrote in news:jsMMe.35294$084.10080@attbi_s22:

Deer don't normally decompose quickly, which is why professionals use their own leonine compactors (non-pros can call 1-800-RENT-A-LION to ask for rates). Incidently, after you have received your leonine compactor, your neighbors will stop being angry, seeing that you are taking positive steps to solve the odor problem, although some may also suddenly develop their own bowel problems (nobody knows why) at which point you can turn the tables and complain about their smell.

Apply some kitty litter to the compost area and soon you will be ready for the next step. Compaction usually takes at least 24 hours. You might as well leave some kitty litter for any neighbors who should have been wearing Depends.

Now most people know composting is about browns and greens. If your plastic milk jugs, lava rocks, concrete cinders, old boots and garbage aren't already brown, you will need to smear them until they are brown with your compacted deer um residue. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. Once you have the browns taken care of, you will need to find some so called greens. Usually your computer can supply the greens. But the problem is getting the greens out of your computer. Search your computer for naive questions from green people (also called newbs or noobs). In fact you can probably compost your own questions. You need to get your questions out of the computer and throw them in the compost pile. If you can't get your questions out of the computer, you probably should throw the whole computer in the pile. This will solve a lot of people's problems.

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Salty Thumb

You forgot to pee on your compost pile. The Nitrogen from human pee will activate the compost.

AFA whining neighbors: get more pitbulls and do more target practice in your yard. If the .22 isn't loud enough, go ahead and kick for a 12 ga. shotgun. Those are loud enough to let the creeps know that you aren't a person to be trifled with, but the shot can be caught by a decent backstop, so you won't go to jail for accidentily killing the insufferable old bat who lives next door and has the small barking-dog-from-hell.

To limit the smell from decomposing mammals, sprinkle the corpses with lime. It's available at your local building supply store and it's cheap.

Hope That Helps,


PS: Quit composting your plastic milk jugs. They make dandy water jugs, to water your garden. Take your K-Bar and cut around the top pour spout, then enlarge the hole a little bit. Leave the handle intact. Beats paying $35 for one of them Martha Stewart cutesy-pie watering cans.

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Jan Flora

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